
He’ll obviously have to undergo a series of tests.

Looks like Duke had some trouble with their...

I want to stop writing about dumb tweets. Please make the dumb tweets stop. Please.

A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?

That’s why they didn’t say no. They are just making him sit on his hands for being a little shit. Which they have every right to do.

Appropriate screen name is appropriate. Hate to sound like I’m taking VW’s side in this but man do I not feel the least little bit bad for them telling this dude to fuck right off.

If she has ever been in the vicinity of Mayweather chances are he hit her.

Well at least now he has a handicap

Prudent of publications to not buy and publish the photos. Publishing images of people in bed without their consent has bankrupted publications before.

Take level: quite hot.

Sage would’ve made a very fine tribute from District 1.

I used to know what was cool. But then they changed what cool was. Now what I think is cool isn’t it. And what’s cool seems weird and scary to me.

In a related story, the NCAA is now investigating two Louisville football players, James Hearns and and Henry Famurewa, for accepting impermissible lead payments.

As a millennial I can assure you this is not a meme.

I was for sure it was going to be a weed overdose.

Goddamn wussies.

I also take boner pills because I have a huge penis that functions properly and for no other reason.

What would happen if you used the offbrand stuff on a little dick? you know, like Conor McGregor?

“International Federation of Bodybuilding president Rafael Santonja”

“Me and my dad went to a racetrack once. Like indian-polis or something. Anyways, we didn’t have cars so we decided to roll around on the cement while other people tried to drive cars. After a couple minutes, a very nice person gave us some hot dogs and asked us to give the helmets back. I was sad because we’re