If you’re gonna run it, at least photoshop in some heinous phone sex hotline number instead of the real klan one.
If you’re gonna run it, at least photoshop in some heinous phone sex hotline number instead of the real klan one.
Lookin good there buddy!
“After nearly striking a man with his vehicle, witnesses say the victim tried to confront Davis ... but Davis got out of his car and things turned physical.”
Not to victim blame or anything, but trying to “get physical” with someone who is at least 6'9", 290 seems like a losing proposition from the get go.
Agree. He has made the classic customer service mistake of over promising and under delivering.
Off the top of my head, I’m going to guess that This strange enzyme, called PETase, comes from the bacteria Ideonella sakaiensis, and it breaks PETs down to terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol in a process that takes days rather than centuries.
I guessed that because I read it recently in some article, very much…
But he means it this time. Besides, he only hits us when we do something bad, so it’s sort of our fault.
Yeah, but if it’s fast and quiet, who cares if it weighs 3.5 tons now. It just means it’s smoother when you hit peasants.
If you look closely, it’s the same ball sack that was interviewed by CNN about WTC building 7.
Yep. I can’t see a red impact exclamation mark without my brain going BREEET!
Yes, this is correct. Some people naturally have or can adapt to function/tolerate higher BAC levels than others, but essentially the bigger you are, the more blood you have, and the more alcohol it takes to raise the percentage of ethanol in your bloodstream.
While I kind of agree with you, everything but the drug and weapons charges do not seem like something that you should get locked up for. Hit him in the pocketbook, sure, but making the rest of us pay to lock him away for doing repeated low level stupidity?
No, that’s all you. I just was trying to figure out where white people said “fram” a lot.
I wouldn’t think they would afford very good traction as required for physical combat.
You don’t by any chance work at a jiffy lube do you?
Jesus christ that’s not ok.
Right? it’s like when tiger used to stop his driver swing right before contact. It illustrates how much more control these guys have over things than us normal douches.
Not even close. The hilarious thing is that, from jetliner cruising altitude (36000ft, give or take), you can see it if you have a wide enough horizon. This “rocket” experiment shit is just hogwash
But there are 5 spaces in that sentence, which one am I supposed to watch?
-Trump Jr.
Everyone who is surprised it happened in Tempe, raise your hands...