
This really is the crux of it. While I quite dislike the “audiophile” scene, the truth is that there’s a breakpoint for equipment (quality, not price!) below which the recording quality doesn’t really matter. Most people’s equipment doesn’t meet this threshold, so most people don’t hear the difference.

I have a very

That’s the real thing, isn’t it. You know you have two strikes, you better be all over it for the rest of the year.

Last time a Kizer talked this big, the rest of us got drafted.

I have the weirdest broner right now.

Oh, I’m down with the puns. It was just a heavy lift and you didn’t quite lock it out.

Artists rendering:

It was the best of times, it was the absolute stupidest of times...

On the plus side, he hit a stationary car, so it will probably send him a nice card.

But I just signed a 22 year loan on my 2017 Ford Megazord with the whale penis laser sword package, and I only work one day a week as a contracted honeybee de-winger. There’s no way I’ll be able to make the payments and still get bi-weekly goat yoga-puncture if gas goes up to $3.00 a gallon.

It’s all the government

On the plus side, if you have two teslas that need to be lifted off the ground, you’re about to get the deal of the century.

“Liberal Bias of Reality Shakes Billionaire’s Worldview. News at 11.”

Neutral: Zero SR with PowerTank, please. If I’m going electric, I’m going the fun way.

Anyone who is interested in gaining more insight into Mr. Cracknell can watch the BBC documentary “Gold Fever” about the british 4- rowing squad.

Spoiler alert: He’s not very bright at the best of times.

Man it’s going to be depressing when their plane crashes.

I’ll bet those aren’t even his real teeth. They’re probably carved from a manatee’s leg or something.


In fact, I did. Buying less than half the range for half the price still doesn’t make any sense to me.

I think a lot of people see the value proposition but don’t see any urgency. I have 40k on my FiST, and my next car will definitely be electric, but it’s not enough of a driver for me to take any sort of non-standard value hit by trading out early.

My guess is the same frugality calculation that drives people to

Also True Fact: Jews have terrible imaginations, so most of the players they made up were named things like “John McBasketball” and “Mel Riebe”.