
Which makes the taping... illegal?

I think you have to look at it in context and juxtapose the usage. Would Phil say that Mike Pence is in Donald Trump’s posse? I would say no, and therefore in the context, it’s mildly/moderately race related.

It’s like the hustle/gritty/whatever scouting reports. The words are not inherently race related, but those

The great news is they’re getting quite cheap. You can pick up one with 15k miles for under $35k, which for the interior quality and fuel economy is a steal and a half.

Yes, that is the hardest thing about this watch.

Yeah, i don’t know how many, i just know that he’s sold more than one stock ECU to people looking to get warranty work done on tuned cars and some other stuff to boot. Many, many was probably an exaggeration.

From working on my own fiesta, I can tell you that there really isn’t much room above the torsion beam. The whole drivetrain tunnel that is evident on the ecosport isn’t there in the fiesta and would have to be cut out.

I’m sure it’s possible, but I certainly don’t think you could do it with just wrenches...

+1 for making me happier and dumber all at the same time.

Like my pops always says, you can take everything before the “but” and just toss it out the window.

Hahaha. It will be better with just the electric noise..

whheeeEEEEEEE *clunk into 1st*
wheeeEEEEE *clunk into 1st*
wheeeeEEEEE ... etc.

Well, it’s not my junkyard, but yes there are a bunch of them in one of the yards in LA.

LA. One of the guys in the CaliST facebook group apparently works at a yard and has several wrecked ones. I know he got my buddy Chris’s wrecked one from san diego, along with a blue one and another TB one from somewhere in LA. He’s sold parts to a couple guys in SD.

I would think it would take a LOT of fab to convert the torsion beam over to IRS. An AWD FiST is my dream of dreams, though, so I’m totally on your team.

This. I was just wondering to myself about the feasibility of swapping one of the 1.6T’s from the many, many totaled ST’s in my local junkyard into one of these. I’ll bet it would be pretty close to a drop in.

Now playing

This was confirmed upon video review of the play:

*furiously takes notes*

Speaking for a sample size of one, sportsball is significantly less interesting than esports, so if I have free time, I’m going to watch twitch or youtube live rather than watchespn or fsGo.

Seems like I’m not alone - LOL worlds this year peaked at more than 14 million live viewers, which is more than any single game

There is also the minor point that very, very few people have backyard refineries, but just about anyone in the lower half of the country can easily produce backyard electrons in perpetuity, thanks to our very own fusion reactor in the sky.

Because apparently it’s the government’s job to bail them out when their bass-ackward “planning” fails and their business model goes to shit. If we have to cover their losses, I don’t see why we can’t try to prevent them in the first place.

I’ll take disgruntled ex in a custody dispute for 500, alex.