
I would just point out even to diehard Sony fans - monopolies are terrible for consumers. If Xbox ceases to be an effective competitor to Playstation, and the Switch remains in its own real niche, there’s no market incentive for Sony to make a better product. The last thing you should want as a Playstation owner is

Those praying the gay away camps never made any sense to me for a bevy of reasons, if a parent is afraid their child will be gay, why would you send them to a camp with other hot gay kids? Doesn’t make any sense.

Bonus interview excerpt!

You’re close:

I wake up in the morning worrying that the President will get us into a war I will have to fight in, or that the factory my dad works in will be closed, or that my mom wont have health insurance to help pay for her meds, or that my siblings won’t be able to afford their student loans. This guy worries about how he

Considering there is no rule saying that they cannot re-up the ban, concerns that they may start going after people within the country, expand the scope of the ban, and the general state of the country after only two weeks... oh and limiting his work options if he has to travel, it starts to make citizens concerned.

But some would say that revoking 100,000 visas is a small price to pay to prevent another Bowling Green Massacre, an event which was so tragic and horrible that it doesn’t even seem real...

The only thing left is for Tillerson to lift those pesky sanctions on Russia and Team Trump can enjoy that well-earned 19% stake of Rosneft, Russia’s giant state oil company. Our president is now, also, a Russian oligarch!

How are there no other repubs with their fucking eyes open.

250 awesome games is still nothing to scoff at

I think this is the best answer I’m liable to get.

Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.

Realistically. When is the last time you’ve owned a Nintendo console as your primary console with MS and SONY in the picture? No one in their right mind buys a Nintendo system for non Nintendo games. That notion died with the N64.

I speak Japanese, and the guy who was doing Suda51 was totally lost. Probably pretty obvious just from the word count even if you don’t know moonspeak. I think it was the same guy who was doing the really awkward translation for the already awkward Splatoon 2 guy.

I don’t know, man. After Nixon’s embarrassing resignation, the Republicans still controlled the Executive Branch for 14 of the next 20 years.

Marginal dollars. Poor people can’t afford 12% of their income disappearing. Wealthy people wouldn’t even notice.

How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

Blame this on having to register on a fucking website for any of your stats to actually count. I can imagine most people had no idea they had to register. Im fairly sure if they would have just counted everyones pokemon, regardless of registration on the pokemon website, the number would have been much closer.

When I was about his age I’d go to Toys R’Us after school to play Goldeneye on their display N64.