
Actually if you clicked it 100 times he would get no stars :D

The day companies get penalized for anything...is the day we have democracy back...

I think companies need to be penalized for reporting false flags. That is the only way this kind of things are less likely to happen.

He should’ve just said “We wanted to see how much we could sucker Star Wars fans for, that’s why we sold a game with less content than average at full price and then sold tons of DLC on top of that. We more or less got away with it”

Well to be fair, employees that link their social media to their corporate employers should avoid posting controversial posts about lowering the age of consent and reducing restrictions on sexual depictions of children in games. I can’t blame Nintendo for distancing themselves.

or maybe we just need an established ethics standard to avoid outrage. Lets plays of games that NEED to be played to be experienced (Call of Duty, Mario Kart, GTA) are fair game for lets plays... games that you can get most of the experience from just watching (Telltale stuff, Visual Novels, The game in question)...

Oh my god. That is such a great move on their part. I wish a lot of other development companies were permitted to do things like this, although you’d need a hacked PSP to play it I suppose..

More of this in the games industry, please.

Folks on Reddit are saying that the glitch allows you insert items into any level you’re playing online, which would allow you to trivialize otherwise brutally difficult levels.

Man, opinions are really friggin’ lame and stupid and frustrating. I feel like I’m one of like 10 people in the universe that fully loved the entirety of Heroes from beginning to end, writer’s strike and all. I love Heroes, so much. I feel like it fell into the pit that Final Fantasy XIII landed in (another thing I

I am sure that people calling it garbage (such as the writer) hasn’t watched an episode of reborn .Reborn is better than Marvel shield and on par with Flash in terms of superhero shows. If you liked season 1 heroes you’ll love season 1 heroes reborn.

Season 2 is garbage.

Are all of those Undertale articles news?

Welp, guess I’ll buy one on eBay after people lose interest in it.

It doesn’t run as well as it did on the 360...

Dizzy eventually gains the power to turn people against each other in a murderous rage, all without having to fire a single shot.

You know, I’ve never been a believer in crazy holistic remedies or natural treatments because, well, close to all of them are full on bullshit. However, I’m starting to turn into one because I’ve seen my girlfriends dad have less than a week to live after radiation and chemo with tumors all over the body, including

People are mad because there is a huge movement by the Undertale community, particularly on Tumblr, to band together to vote for this poll, greatly skewing the results. They took the fun out of the poll by creating a movement to rig the results. Nearly all the other games on the list don’t have that kind overly

Undertale fans are like Stephen Universe fans. I know the thing they are championing is probably really good and something I would enjoy, but they are so obnoxious that I can’t bring myself to checking out the thing they go on and on about.

This mother fucker.