
I’m not a big comic book fan, but I am in that part of the demographic that Disney wants to tailor to the most. That group that doesn’t read comic books but knows who the characters are somewhat. The movie definitely wasn’t great.

it's no joke. When I worked for a franchise that's what I was told to do. I would get really nasty burns, skin blistering and all, and be told to put mustard on it. One manager was nice enough to go out and buy burn ointment for me and let me go home after having scalding hot water poured on my arm. I still have some

I worked in the electronics department at a Sam's Club. It was a usual day. A young lady came in looking to buy a smart TV and I gave her my recommendation, answered all of her questions, and the conversation between us was positive. She bought a TV, took it home, and then her husband proceeded to call us saying how

Nomura left the Birth by Sleep Final Mix ending to show there's potential for a sequel, but aside from that they have never stated anything or have shown any signs to attempt a sequel. My guess is that if there was a sequel, it would be about how Organization XIII started and lead up to the beginning of Kingdom Hearts

A sequel to Birth By Sleep would be better on the Vita than a port of 3D.

On the contrary, look at Phantasy Star Online 2. It's a Japanese F2P MMO and the Japanese players, for the most part, love the english community playing along with them. It keeps the player shops active and there's always symbol art to communicate. There was a spree of hackers from foreign players, but interestingly

Definitely. I know a lot of Metal Gear Solid fans who pass off the two Metal Gear games as if they never took part in the series because they're old and dated. Though, considering Kojima's feelings on the subject of the Metal Gear series, I don't think this is going to happen unless it's fanmade.

That's a BIG stereotype you're pulling there. I can bash on foreigners just as you can Americans. Also, what you described isn't "american" but human nature. It's a coping mechanism. They are sad, but they're also happy that their family member is going to be in a better place. Whether or not you agree with that last

I don't understand why people want it released overseas. I'm fairly certain these people didn't play any Phantasy Star game online and don't know the horrors of SEGA of America. Being in English means nothing when content will be delayed by a year, and content will also be taken out due to "localization" reasons. Not

It's not really racism as it is zenophobia. SEGA of Japan caters to the Japanese crowd way too much with Phantasy Star. After PSO v1's online, they said a big no no to global servers and vowed to never do it again because overseas players were "obnoxious and rude." SEGA of America can't do anything about it. They're

Phantasy Star Online 2 should just be cancelled outside of Japan. It's not worth it. Japan is already about to get Episode 2. Once again, like every Phantasy Star game, Japan will be a year ahead of us in content and the NA servers will hardly update. They'll even go as far as to take out events, weapons, and clothing

Some of us are also indie developers, and enjoy indie games. Xbox One just eliminated us meanwhile Sony is embracing us. That's a huge difference for someone like me and for people who enjoy indie games, which is a growing number.

They offer the videos for 3DS users, so I don't see why not. Though, this is Nintendo and from what I can gather, they don't like demos to much (the whole number of uses).

I see this as an attempt to get new customers instead of rewarding existing ones. As in,"Hey, check out this new game that's coming out! You should

huh Same deal with North Florida too and the surrounding area. This sucks.

I like it for only one reason. (Pic related)

All I'm hearing is "who are we to blame?" and people pointing fingers everywhere. Do these people really think if we take away video games, that all crimes in the world would suddenly stop? People took away pornography but that actually increased rape and sexual assualt. Wonder what would happen if we took away video

Did I say "all" anywhere? No. So there is no generalisation anywhere. Read what I said, the Dark Ages influenced humanity to think there's always going to be some great apocalyptic scenario. This is because Christianity at the time kept spewing out stuff about the second coming of Jesus and the Rapture. It's not my

Welcome to the south my friend. I never said Christians were stupid. And yes, there are a ton of stupid Atheists too. I'm neither though. I was merely pointing out the mast majority of the US are Christians and that their logic, along with most of humanity's logic after the Dark Ages, lead people to believe the world

Yes. My step-dad and a ton of other people down here in north Florida truly believe what happens in the movie 2012 is what will happen. He bases his argument off "the History channel said so so it must be true." This guy, and many others in America actually, are really gullible and believe if one scientist says it's

Final Fantasy 3 is my favorite, but looking at the handheld it's on doesn't seem fitting. Final Fantasy isn't much of a smartphone game when most smartphones games are just played in short spurts. It's difficult, especially in Final Fantasy 3 with all of its grinding, to progress in the game when you're only playing