Moz Empire

Jason, just from my corner of the back woods. Don’t.
1. As this article (Excellent beyond belief, BTW) has been showing you from responses, BioWare and EA are not the only ones with this issue. What you have shown us is almost a SSDD-type scenario, as people say “this could be my company.” Unless you intend on being a

I vote the latter - Both the blog post after the article, as well as this Internal Memo are STILL dancing around the issue, even as they mouth all the platitudes of “We CARE! REALLY we do!”
NO mention of the shit engine causing a large portion of the problems (as well as a shit quality game that looks last-generation

Other articles I’ve read about EA over the past decade point to the same thing.
As does the quality of the games they have been churning out. Tiger Woods PGA Golf (now Rory McIlroy PGA Golf) bore this out for over 20 years now...

That attidtude, as erudite as it attempts to be, is exactly part of the problem. We are presented with projects YEARS before they are actually given to us for purchase. Anthem being a poster child for a concept that is made into a pretty video for E3, that gets the gamer interested, nay, excited about something new

“It’s unclear what about forming a union—a right enshrined in U.S. law since 1935—is believed to be extreme.”

TL:DR - It is “extreme,” because white collar jobs that do not involve life threatening conditions, neither NEED nor BENEFIT from unionization.

full text: That is because the author did not bother to do ANY

Who gave you a hall pass into my head, allowing you to steal my words better than I could say them!?!!!

OOoh, this ^ ^ ^!
But, there is the sad dichotomy that the simplistic, yet worthless advice to “just move on, don’t read it, don’t let it bother you,” mentality expressed is EXACTLY the same “just ignore it,” kind of mentality you then advocate two paragraphs later... The justification for the behavior is exactly the

ALMOST there.
Telling developers HOW their game is shit...TFTFY.
The problem is too many ankle-biters and gaming morons can’t articulate past, “your game is shit.” And that is WORTHLESS feedback unless you can tell them HOW the game is shit...
The loot grind is imbalanced to the point being naked and punching,” is

Bully for you. MANY gamers are not as casual about their gaming as you are. While your solution may be obvious to you, and work for you, it is sadly NOT the “Universal Solution” you claim it to be. For the very simple reason that EVERYONE GAMES DIFFERENTLY. We all have our INDIVIDUAL reasons and passions for gaming as

Oh NOES, you are SO wrong, starting with “PLAYABLE DEMO.”As a PS4 Pro owner, I can testify that I and the hubby, with his OWN PS4 Pro did NOT get a “playable demo...” We got two straight weekends of endless matchmaking screens, never even getting to shoot our sorry little assault rifle until AFTER full release.

But it’s NOT just Bioware. EA Sports, Bethesda, Rockstar, the list goes on and on.
SO easy to tell people “go find another job.” SO much harder to do just that.
Such simplistic advice is honestly worthless. ALL the game development companies are the same grind for the devs. It’s hard and mostly thankless work.

OOh, can I play Anthem with you, pretty please? I wanna LEARN!

And regardless of marketing “ploys,” (OH, how you show your true bias while pretending otherwise!) NO ONE deserves or should be expected to endure ABUSE.
Microtransactions are no more “slimey” in Anthem than any other game on the market, from free-to-play Fortnite on.
And STILL, this should in NO WAY attempt to justify

“... you should EXPECT to get comments back on the work you are discussing.”
How laughable. At what point in time, do you justify “verbal abuse” as “comments back?”
You are STILL trying to hide behind the straw man that ABUSE is justified here because...Teh ‘Net...

Not in those direct words you didn’t, but you SURE AS HELL DID with your context and attitude. Don’t try to hide behind pedantic and dismissive insults. You have a FAR better command of the language than that...

Red Dead Redemption 2 had over EIGHT YEARS development. So come again with that bullshit excuse?

SO true and spot on. But, there are STILL ways and means to go about it. When the people who are frustrated and upset (and DESERVEDLY SO, I’ve personally been burned by RDR2 and Anthem recently, both with higher end editions) are ABUSIVE and RUDE and NASTY (and we ALL know just how toxic some people can be with a

10 points for that comment! Sadly too true, but damn, SO erudite!!!

You make it sound like the feedback is ALWAYS SOOOOooo constructive. Get Real. WAY too many r/entitledgamers think not only does their shit not stink, they FIRMLY believe that THEY KNOW better how the devs should make a game work, and they are the ONLY ones the devs should pay attention to.
News Flash - Your $60 (and

Try #nailsofinstagram and look at some of the nail art pictures.WAYyy better than puppies. But nothing beats kitties. Evah.