
Yeah, 100% “I’m fine with this.” They have limited stock, they’re making it so their paid subscription is more available. It’s been 8 months. If it was on launch for the console, that’d be aggravating and there might be an issue, but for restocks? Go for it, GameStop, I’m more okay with this than weird-ass bundles.

What's the problem here? They didn't have stock available for everyone, so they chose a method that rewarded their customers and probably also cut down on scalping. They probably got more consoles in the hands of gamers who actually wanted them than went to people who just want to flip them. 

“...and gives a fuck about everyone else.”

As a gamer who has gamed (primarily) on PlayStation since 1997, I’ve generally loved the hardware/console-exclusive software, but hated the brand. Sony makes great stuff, but they’re unapologetically arrogant and short-sighted as a company, and the way in which they treat developers and their own consumer base is

You want to get into a political discussion I’m not willing to because the specific beliefs don’t matter as much as the right to have them.

Welcome back!

I remember watching an early video where the streamer was so frustrated with the clothing options (and not only because her character’s boobs kept clipping through half of them). Like, you couldn’t wear a jacket over a dress for some reason. Seems like a small thing, but on the other hand, I entirely sympathized, and

The court hereby orders the plaintiff to “dig that, sucka”

Activision lawyers were later seen in the court’s parking lot, doing celebratory spinaroonies.


I’ve made the comparison before, but I consider Ratchet and Clank to be Sony/Insomniac’s version of Mario. They’re both uninterested in explaining/rationalizing the ridiculousness of their universes in favor of throwing you into whimsically fun gameplay, and while you don’t need to have played any of the previous

Okay so here’s the thing: The ragequit was immature and could be chalked up to age...but defending it and refusing to apologize afterwards is what turns it in to bullshit.

He’s 20. Having 3 teenagers in my house right now, including a 19 year old, I understand that sometimes people of that age do not have the most healthy emotional responses to disappointment. Hopefully he learns to process his emotions in a more mature manner.

“Sry [sic] to be mad because I lost the most important match of my life,” he tweeted responding to a fan’s critique.

You are, perhaps, the most honest person in all of Kinjadom.

The real fucking sad part of all of this is that if there was any sort of way I could of somehow squeezed my way in there and actually make some sort of actual cash on all of that dumb shit, I would of been there in a heartbeat, even knowing that it was going to implode in on itself while contributing to fucking up

My counter point to this opinion has always been that the medium these people use for their entertainment, hobby, or work pursuits is not the problem.

Most good people are constantly worried they may not be a good person.

Well, Minecraft speedrun is all the rage back then. Many streamer attempt to do it live and compete with each other from succeeding a sub 1 hour time to slowly reach sub 30min time speedrun

All. Art. Is. Inherently. Political.