
It’s always funny to me when an American thinks socialism is a threat to their country. America’s left is like.. the right for other countries. I will never understand how Americans think it’ll be the downfall of their country if they.. you know, caught up to the rest of the world.

I forgot he said nothing would change for rich donors. I’m still voting for him because Drumpf and everyone that stands by him can forever burn in the fiery pits of hell for all eternity. That’s one hell of a bummer of a reminder tho. Also, I agree he should be more progressive but Bernie was progressive and voters

You know, I would be a lot more on board with Biden skepticism if it was powered by actual concerns and not baldfaced lies like this:

Bernie’s would be better and offer free fruit!

Imagine if you had to invent a new chess piece that has a different moveset than all the others. Now you have to do it without fundamentally breaking the balance of the game of chess.

Adding yet another layer of corporate bureaucracy to the mix. Because that’s always makes things better.

The amount of people who were actually, seriously pissed by the lack of “Gay Bowser” is disturbing. Hell, when people discovered that Sunshine’s tutorial cut out FLUDD saying “R,” it was almost as if Nintendo came by and killed their puppies in cold blood. No joke, one guy was bitching at how Nintendo was too “cheap”

Honestly that’s the best plan if you want to play it.

I’m personally probably going to pick it up, but also going to donate at least the monetary amount I pay for it (if not significantly more) to a few of the Trans rights organizations by me. Feel like that’s somewhat of an equalizer towards where my money’s going.

I’m trans, you twit.  Boycotting something that can bring you joy doesn’t help me in the slightest.

I’ve been looking forward to this game for a long time and I’ll definitely be playing it. Under no circumstances does that mean I approve of her opinions or even entertain the idea that J.K. Rowling’s tweets on trans people are acceptable. Everyone’s gotta draw the line somewhere but we shouldn’t vilify anyone just

I mean she still gets a bag for it tho so...nah.

I mean, it’d be pretty weird if she didn’t. But it’s a ocmplicated decision for me. Sure, she’s going to make money off of this, but if the game is good and the devs are deserving, I’m not sure if it’s really making a difference to the already stinking-rich Rowling to deprive her of the drop in the bucket the

A spokesperson for Warner Brothers declined to comment further when asked by Kotaku whether Rowling would receive royalties for Hogwarts Legacy.

Imagine being so inured to military propaganda and how ingrained the military industrial complex is at all levels of American culture, government, and life that you can’t understand how this is very much something to care about.

well, some of them already look like pirates

Y’know...if we collectively agree to stop giving these miserable fuckwits the attention they so goddamned desperately, pitifully claw at, they’ll eventually just go away and be forgotten like they should be.

OMFG!!! I bought Hyrule Warriors every time it’s been released. I’ve put probably 500 hours into the Switch one alone and I’m still not even close to being done with 100%ing the Adventure Maps. And BOTW is my favorite game of all time, in my favorite series of all time.

You bet your ass I am buying this launch day.

It’s less about the inclusion, or lack thereof, of a mine in a flying game. It’s about the fact that any thoughts about the game itself are lost in a mire of pseudo-intellectual babble about cloud gaming in general and the possible future of games as a service.

Excellent comment, it’s good to see a nuanced explanation.