
"Here’s Why We’ll Here Those Tennis Grunts at the London Olympics"

"You say you have a burning sensation?"

Yes, that's the case that is made.

I think it's a great present if they already stream shows and shop online. If not, it's complete crap. Personally, I would love it as a gift.

Daylight Saving (singular!) is still used because it saves energy. When people get up in the dark they turn on more lights and heat.

You read my mind. Stop it.

"If you saw a guy totin' around this iPhone case that has a 3D naked girl taking a bath in a hot tub, you might assume he was a pervert."

Yeah, I think you're right. I guess the scariest part is that you won't have the option of caving again. Even if you did it wouldn't do you any good because you wouldn't get the relief you were after. But nicotine is only part of the addiction. The urge to smoke doesn't pass in the 2-3 days, as you know.

Ten years. Then we can drink it all. YAY! ...Right?

The original LG Env. Workhorse of a phone. My son still uses it.


The thing is, an addict's body requires a certain level of their drug of choice. When it is deprived, it kicks back and creates all kinds of ugly side effects that make everything else more drastic. So the addict feeds the problem and feels better. But it's not that the cigarette made anything better, it just stopped

This looks cool. I'd give it a run. If they wanted it to be awful they would have combined a trackball. I HATE trackballs!

Do they make a really ugly wooden chain to go with it? Because that combo would be ever so stylish.

"Oh, and Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal actually look like themselves in this one."

You know the worst part of an over-cooked steak? This new commenting system!

Yours was one of my favorites in the set. Good job.

You make some good points. However, the crickets you've been hearing are exactly why this system is most flawed. Before, a post like this would have garnered some feedback. Now, tumbleweeds blow by once in a while.

Precisely. Not to mention the tone of this whole article. Between that and the author's replies, so far, he's been the biggest dick in the bag.

I'm sure you are all flooded with mail about the new system. I'm sure there are a lot of critics. I'm sure it's a drag. But your appeal to not be dicks is preemptively undermined by your condescension.