
In my pre-tech days, I did time (yes, it was like a prison sentence, but without all the opportunity to date up) in a cedar shake mill. That is the kind of tree that would have the entire place salivating. That tree is worth a small fortune as finished product.

Nobody roots for Goliath.

The obscure Eddie Izzard reference. Nice!

That's correct. To avoid the two year plan just buy a carrier-compatible phone and activate it. I recently did that for a family member who is a risk of non-payment. Made them get a used phone outright, that way I wasn't on the hook for a two year data plan. If they fail to reimburse for their portion of the bill, I

Most model architects get their start building model airplanes. The others get their start by sniffing the glue.

Does it come with a certificate good for clear-cutting an acre of rainforest? I'll take two. And a fur coat, please.

Yeah, I know. Last month's model is so last month.

1. Don't get a new phone every two years.

Typically, I've been eligible for an upgrade before my two years was up. Also, I've got other phones on my plan (mine is the primary phone) that are newer than mine. So even though mine may be up, there will be others on the plan that are not. I wonder how that will effect the rest of my plan?

So for those of us still under a two year agreement, wouldn't this be a breach of that contract, thus freeing us from the agreement? If so, I guess they are free to do whatever they want with their business. They should prepare for a mass exodus, however. But if they break their deal with me, but don't let me out of

I thought it looked more like flirting than being aloof. Massage is an intimate act, so the first time with a therapist can be awkward like that. Even when everything is professional and proper. Especially if there is any physical attraction. I thought it looked like Molly was attracted to the guy, flirting, yet,

Looks like a great massage, actually. I could probably relax and enjoy most of that. With the exception of one little, tiny, teensy part. No mounting me from behind. Seriously. Not even a little. Got that, coach? You cannot f***ing MOUNT me!

And journalism just became that guy's favorite cause.

Thanks. I have to agree. I'm glad to have been part of it!

"Recognizing how we as a society perpetuate and continue to label, judge, and scorn those on the margins is how we change."

Agreed. That's the thing about racism; It's equal opportunity. Which is also the most ironic thing about it! LOL But it's not confined to any particular race, culture, social status, etc. Racism is a human condition. Specifically, a learned human condition. It can settle on anyone willing to host it. And it's a

Thanks a lot, Mario. Discussions like this really are my favorite part of the Internet. For me, this was a very useful exchange. Of course, it helps when there are many intelligent people all willing to have a real conversation and not just a flame war. So, again, I thank everyone who jumped in.

Right back atcha, Kesava! Many thanks.

OK, I get it. I don't get it. :)

Very true. Freedom of speech does not come with immunity.