
I’m really torn about this issue. On the one hand, I have friends who have been sex workers. They have been white, middle class women who chose to get into it to make a few extra dollars, to make an income when they lost their jobs, to put themselves through school, etc. Some of them had good experiences, some of them

I don’t mind the sex workers, they have every right to support themselves, work in a safe environment, and have the opportunity for a safe exit of the industry (if that is what they choose). But I’m not down with anyone buying or renting a human body. It perpetuates human trafficking and slavery. Respect the workers,

The worst part is, them existing in the lowest caste means theres almost a 100% chance they’ve already been raped and exploited dozens of times.

“The sisters weren’t convicted of any crimes, rather their sentence was punishment for their brother’s elopement.”

It actually made gun control laws MORE LAX.

Honestly, you seem insane and borderline illiterate. Everyone on this thread is trying to explain that to you.

You get it.

Tone policing black women is pretty damn white, and if you don’t want to be lumped in with Miley, maybe don’t engage in it yourself?

I feel like everyone saying “Chipotle sucks” lives in California or something. Not all of us have mission burritos, you assholes.

My theory is that he has untreated exotropia, which means your eyes point out instead of straight ahead. Sometimes it’s called “walleyed,” which I find hilarious for some reason. People who have it look kind of off. Source: my son and father were exotropic.


Of fucking course.

Alas, my white skin has a hard time differentiating a read from shade but what I do know is that this comment qualifies as an “ooo shit”

Am I the only one reading that as a subtle insult to Malia, not Kylie? She’s saying that Malia doesn’t wear high-fashion pieces, but that’s okay because she’s still so young.

Same, but I’m going to predict that the judgment is going to be SHAAAAADE. Here’s why:

Except she’s a republican.
