
And many, many of the people rioting at stonewall were transgender women as well as people of color.

Oh hooray. The first Stonewall movie is about a fictional white gay male. This erases the BLACK trans woman who actually was the first to throw something (Marsha P. Johnson, if you’re wondering). It erases all the dykes who were being raped and arrested and who fought on the front lines of basically every important

so, this movie is about white gay boys? really? did they do any research at all? get the fuck out.

The fact that this movie has not a single black or latino lead is a sick joke, basically.

Why should anything that someone chooses to do, and enjoys doing to the point of writing about it, make you sad? Why so patronizing?

I LOVE this series and really missed it. If you need volunteers in order to post it more frequently, I would happily volunteer. It is such a sparkle of humanity in a sea of consumerism. I use a unique combination of cosmetics and toiletry products, therefore I am!

Bjorn Disway.

If this isn’t the start of true love guys, I don’t know what is:

When I read that 28% of Americans no support banning at least some books (primarily the Koran) all I could think of was “Welcome to Gilead.” This is how it starts.

I’ll just have you know that my Fridays at work are spent hitting refresh until Shade Court gets posted.

could be contouring?? there is def some cheekbone shading happening - see visible highlighter pen above beard line and bronzed hallow, kylie style. Seriously though, dude has some makeup on.

All I can picture is Gwyneth drunkenly showing off her Tracy Anderson “hip hop dance moves” to no one in particular at Moses’ bar mitzvah.



We’ll miss u, White Kara

Poor Nas, always the bridesmaid.


I guess everyone has a Nick.

Damn. I always loved her. She reminded me of so many women I grew up with (I grew up in downtown Manhattan). She was one of the last of her kind. When I thought of creative cool and publishing, I immediately thought of Ingrid.