
Damn, if I want to Platinum this game I’m going to have to do this ten times? Damn them.

And for all we know, there’s another secret one for doing it a hundred times, so I’m going to have to find out for sure.

Team Rocket: the heroes we deserve.

Crooked Ash though he could keep getting away with it, glad Team Rocket is finally fixing things. Sad!

Now now. Realistic goals only.

Protagonist beats a little kid in a pokemon battle.
Protagonist gets half that little kid’s money while destroying their dreams.

Now if only Ash wins a Pokémon Tournament.

So the question is guys, is this Symphonia / abyss quality, or Zestiria / graces quality (of story, the combat in zest and graces was the bomb ^^)


Worse than Scar???

Man, FF9 is the best Final Fantasy for me.

Double XP for the win. My copy’s still in the shrinkwrap, awaiting that story patch update.

It’s the most fine game I’ve played in years.

I consider it the best game I’ve played in a long time, and GOTY of 2016 by a mile. Different opinions I suppose.

I hope the reception involves them opening one gift, followed by the opening of a vastly better version of the same gift immediately afterwards.

Best Mom Of 2016

My mom got me 12 studio Ghibli movies on BluRay for Christmas, so I’ve got plenty of anime to watch for the near future.