
My other friend and I paid for a hug during the photo op.

This zipline activity

Rohl appeared on the show?? With Emerson appearing, it's like Arrow is look through my favorite shows and having them recur/guest star.

So I was at a con with my friends and one of my friends was in front of the zipline and Stephen cut her in line but said sorry and she demanded payment so he hugged her to go before her.

I would totally be Michel in the GG world. I don't want to play board games with kids.

I really liked him on this tv show Hung and The Riches! He is an underrated actor.

I find it weird when Shonda Rhimes as the Mitchum actor play a Trump like character on Scandal.

It's only Thursday and people are already lining up for Friday panels for Hall H and some for Saturday…

The Master was on the tip of my tongue!

2. Hateful Eight and uhhhhh on the other one!

Can someone do a season binge so there will be a place for us to comment?

I'm still a little salty I didn't get Conan tickets but the odds were low anyways.

That was me when I saw Tom Hardy and Cillian Murphy.

I'm going to see it again at the true IMAX theater next week. I think I only saw the 70mm screening last night (it didn't say).

That's probably going to me in the future whenever I marry someone.

I went to the free preview screening last night and this woman next to me fangirled when she saw him first appear.

I saw it last night at a preview free screening and it was amazing. Those aerial scenes are so breathtaking.

I felt that they could have given one line about it though.

Yeah but I still felt they should have called him out on the crap he did esp the part where he asked about Bruce. Like someone said oh you care about him, didn't you make him a fugutive the first time?

Eh on Ross because I felt in Civil War they didn't call out all the stuff he did in Incredible Hulk.