
They don't know jack sh*t about organic writing and actor chemistry.

They also spent a huge chunk of the series saying how Ted and Robin are not good together and then have Ted keep going after her.

Like he ever deserves Knives.

Yeah I love both of them. I think Interstellar was clunky and a bit cheesy on some parts and maybe people started really criticizing him by TDKR but overall Insterstellar really did hit me emotionally and I think that was his main goal.

Out of curiousity, what is the "right" time of marketing? Because I heard complaints about trailers giving too much of the plot and trailers giving too little or misleading trailers. (I am really curious and this is not a sarcastic tone)

I thought The Prestige was his best/darkest and Interstellar was his most emotionally one. I am a bit biased on Interstellar since it hit me on a more personal note and seeing it felt carthartic to me.

It's only 13 episodes and I love the show. I thought the premise seemed ridiculous at first but I ended up loving it. I am also too lazy to catch up on Arrow. Also need to start on Legends of Tomorrow and the latest season of iZombie is up…I actually have a lot of tv to catch up.

I got to admit, he does try to change up his movies. But I like the teacher who moonlights as an MMA fighter from Warrior better.

Yes I agree! And I disliked how they tried to make the boyfriend kinda like the bad guy by not being there for her during their trip to New York. He was working to build a future for them. He seems a bit boring but he obviously loves her (and the actor appeared as the villain in John Wick 2 so I kept making jokes on

Waitttt so in Here Comes the Boom he could technically fight the other guys? (Maybe not as well but not as bad as I would have thought???)

That Netflix/CW deal totally spoiled me! I binged watch Riverdale within a week and dread the upcoming premiere where they only release it week by week because I always get behind. On the plus side more episodes!

Depending on the scheduling at the room, most people in the audience would be like what is going on during the panel while waiting for Marvel/Disney panel later on.

But they were in the main cast for years and even though they are supporting, they deserve the same amount as the two leads in my opinion.

Because CBS is racist and sexist!

I saw it and loved it. There was a lot of people watching it at the Alamo Drafthouse.

I thinkkk he wears the cap out of insecure reasons.

I was so sad it was only a bit role since the credits showed him in the beginning.

I found everybody else really good in the movie except the leads. Winstead's character was underwritten and I felt that Cera couldn't portray a charming loser. Their romance is the main storyline but it just fell flat.

I bought the third season of Playing House on Amazon because I couldn't wait until Friday to watch two more episodes and I finished the season and now I'm rewatching the season.

Without knowing the tone it could be just a joke because I heard he and Thomas are long term friends.