
It's probably because Hollywood is still awful and they are non white.

1. Underrated actor and he needed more screentime in Civil War.

Fifth mistake is Oded F.

But Steve doesn't like being lied to and even though it is Sharon's job to spy on him, they worked together for two years (they use real time for movies along with release date) they seem to trust each other and she could have found a way to say it in those years instead of finding out at Peggy's funeral.

They didn't have to go with comics canon (they didn't do that with every couple in the movies that follows canon).
Steve should move on but it still feels weird that Sharon has been hiding the face that she's Peggy niece and they have known each other a while for her to offer that info other than Peggy's funeral.

Like Sharon knew she was related to Peggy and later on had feelings for him. And they kissed after Peggy just died.

It's Disney trying to please the other countries for box office because a lot of countries are conservative.

He has more chemistry with Bucky or Sam than with Sharon.

It is tricky developing romance in superhero stories because they would have to have the love interest not only just the love interest and be a well written character and face challenges when they do get together. MCU is a bit lacking on that front (along with their villains). I liked Tony/Pepper and thought their

Just use those infinity stones and bring Peggy to the future so there would be no weird forced romance between Steve/Sharon.

One of my tiny grips of First Avenger is that there has to be a conflict of the romantic subplot where Peggy thinks Steve became a player even though the woman kissed him and he didn't want that. They could have slowly developed their romance and then of course the end tragic part which in my opinion would have made

-whispers- but superficially he wasn't hot in the show

This show also made me realize Pablo needs to be in more comedies. And based on some of his interviews and panels he is a funny guy in real life.

Earlier today I skimmed two episodes of The Brink for Pablo. And also Weeds.

We might see all the gods in one place next episode!

I think Sweeney gave up the coin out of guilt and how Laura reminds him of Essie (I thinkkk they said they purposely have Emily play Essie for that reason)

Next ep spoilers I heard Jeremy Davis is going to appear as Jesus most likely next episode since I read some spoiler that Easter is not pleased to celebrate the holiday with Jesus.

Zach Wood's fashion style with the coat and scarf is on point. Gilfoyle would do well in the Westworld universe and now I want his character to make a cameo on the show next season.

Sadly no. I like the AMC theater near my place. It's close by and has a real IMAX screening room and not the fake one.