According to SJW that's prejudice. I hate how we changed the definition of a word to mean something politically correct.
According to SJW that's prejudice. I hate how we changed the definition of a word to mean something politically correct.
And you totally are. My fiercest arguments with male friends have been over Ben roethlisberger and Bill Cosby. Many Guys think women are money grubbing gold diggers who want to take our hard earned money by any means necessary. It's pretty pathetic shit.
The photo of her says otherwise.. The photo of her in the courtroom above shows a woman who is broken and scared for her life and I hope to god I don’t hear she committed suicide to get away from this....
As a white woman and a rape victim, I would like to say that you have worded this extremely well. I am perfectly immune to anyone who might say something about my race (other than it hurting my feelings for 10 hours or so b/c I feel like, for just one second, I haven’t been viewed as an individual)—b/c society makes…
No, I personally am fine with her saying shit about white people. But that? It wasn’t about being white. . . . .it was about saying an alleged victim was self-serving, lying, and just seeking attention. Bringing up all the tropes of sexual violence that hinder reporting of sex crimes across races and ethnicities of…
Power, as in institutional power, not an individual’s power. As an individual I’m pretty powerless, but looking at the big picture I benefit from my white privilege. When I say something prejudiced about another ethnic group I’m reinforcing the white power structure that sadly still runs most of our society.
Yeah no, she seems shitty. I think that tweet was shitty. I’m sure she’s a complete asshole, and I have no interest in defending her. What I’m saying is racism is prejudice + power, which is why you can’t be racist against white people. There are a million reason to attack this tweet, but racism isn’t one.
First of all, Bill Cosby is innocent? You sure hun?
Anyone can be prejudiced, but racism is prejudice + power. Again, that person made a shitty, sexist, mean, awful, very bad, jerkish, unnecessary, and prejudiced tweet, but it’s not racist. That person seems like a sexist shitbag, but saying mean things about white people isn’t racist.
But, white people cannot be materially harmed within the system by this hatred. I’m sure it stings on a personal level, but comparing it to the centuries of racist actions and horrific behavior against people of color reveals there just is no comparison. That’s why it’s not racism; it’s prejudice or discriminatory…
I get why you said that. But, racism is a systemic problem. Those who experience racism can’t, by its very definition, commit it because they are forced to the outside of the system.
It’s not racism, but it is discriminatory and supporting sexism in full force. It implies that the women, a lot of them, lie about rape for attention. It’s a gross and disgusting thing to say, and I’ve lost every single bit of respect for the commenter, who I respected quite a bit before this. It belittles the problem…
It's not racist for her to talk shit about white people (we deserve it), but to assume Kesha is lying is sexist and shitty.
Since it’s possible to be an addict, or promiscuous, or annoying and still be sexually assaulted or abused the personal attack seems mean and unnecessary.
So ONE person (allegedly) had a hole in her story (which, by the way, it's common for trauma survivors to have gaps in their memories because of the whole, you know, being in a life-threatening situation and our brain doing weird things to preserve our lives and well being—this is actually backed up by research and a…
He’s Irish???
What? No ranting about “Obamacare” being socialism, while also forgetting that if it weren’t for healthcare reform you’d still be uninsured?
I’ve seen him called that more than once.
This is PROOF he’s actually a leprechaun, wasn’t even born in the United States, and isn’t a citizen! The Birthers were RIGHT!!!!