Lyna Xayachak

Plus where else would he have gotten arrows from if not from the Arrow HQ. Surely the team would recognise their own arrows

If they're building up Beth to be some kind of bad ass - maybe they're planning to kill off Carol this season?- I'm gonna be pissedd. But let's chalk it up to adrenaline, I'm iffy about the Darryl training lol

Perhaps it's immature because it's lazy writing, I could have written "haha" but that comes off as sarcastic. In my opinion your comments come off as mean-spirited too, even though that may not be your intention. We all have our ways of interpreting text. I merely meant to express my comment in a way that I would be

It's more of a habit of expression. I worry my words can be misinterpreted as too serious and hollow, just trying to be light hearted.

I don't remember any training in the short time time they were together. Just them hunting for alcohol, drinking moonshine, bonding and hiding out in the big house. Besides, no amount of training can account for the kind if accuracy Beth had in this episode lol

Am I the only one wondering when Beth got so good with a gun? I mean, she one-shot killed every zombie, even in a dark basement.
She wasn't this accurate when her dad was about to be executed during the prison siege.

"I had ninety quid in there"

I'm assuming the fat man you're referring to is Dell? He's supposed to be the strongman, although the show has failed to show us any sort of freakish strength

I'm sorely disappointed it wasn't Leni Riefenstahl recording the snuff film

Indeed, she kind of looked like a troll doll

Lol fair enough, although I still standby my sentiment.

Goddamnit it 'Murica ;(

Also, to be fair, I don't think Felicity has even slept with anyone let alone had a relationship with anyone since Arrow started - which is two and a half years in the storyline?

I think Miller is pretty up there with Gustin playing evil gay warbler on Glee

Baricity, oh my oh mary. But sadly I doubt anything will happen beyond that kiss, especially since they're introducing Linda Park in a couple of episodes. Love triangles galore, but I think I'll just be glad they give someone other than Iris for Barry to focus on.

Goddamnit, Barricity makes me squeal like a teenage girl at a one direction concert

B+ ? I truly felt this was a C at best. Maybe I am a bit nit-picky but this episode was rushed and choppy, the transitions made no sense to me and had the characters do stupid things that don't make sense (Liv reversing her car and her sensors are beeping, but she has more than enough space to just turn out of her