
Babies Yoda will unite the universe.

When I was little and Jimmy Carter was governor - every time we drove by the Georgia State capitol - apparently I would say “There’s Jimmy Carter’s house!” and supposedly, he shook my hand at a parade. I have, and will always be a lifelong fan of Mr. Jimmy.

Caligula’s Poodle is the new name for my death metal polka fusion band. Thanks!

Speeding is breaking the law - no different than breaking curfew. I’m sure most people do it - do you think the punishment for driving over the speed limit should be getting tear gassed and shot with rubber bullets when you get pulled over as you roll down your window?

Also, crew people have children and spouses and elderly parents that live with them. It’s not just about actors.

I loved these books and thought I was going to hate the movie - but I agree - I thought Tom was actually pretty good. Maybe because it felt like he was really just playing himself - a slightly androgynous diva that won’t accept aging or anyone telling him no. And, agree on everyone else - Brad was terrible(between

Well, what we do know for sure - is that there is no cure for stupid.

If these three kiddos were the judges, I would actually watch American Idol.

I started watching War of the Worlds from Epix - the first few episodes are on Prime for free - it’s interesting yet very bleak - I’ve come to the episode where people are hiding in a hospital basement and one guy is trying to take care of a bunch of newborn babies - I have a pretty good idea of what is going to

Should’ve stayed beyond the wall.

Too bad he can’t go on a quail hunt with Cheney.

The problem is that when repubs get voted in - they destroy everything and steal all the money. Dems get voted in to fix things - then get voted out because things are soo fucked up they can’t be fixed quickly and people have a short attention span and need instant gratification. Sure, hopefully once the boomers die

I’ve never seen this and it’s beautiful - even if it’s  a commercial. 

That would be the best Avengers movie ever!

Agreed. Right now, he’s just yelling out anything that he thinks repubs would like - so they don’t vote to impeach him.

So, I guess my new YA novel Fuck Off republicans! would be on that list. 

Haha! I have five dogs - four sleep on the bed. I have a king. I might as well have a cot and let them have the bed - except I think they would all try to sleep with me on the cot.