Legitimate question - What can we do to bring down Fox news and these fuckers? No matter how much we vote - as long as these uneducated shit stirrers have a platform - we will never win.
Yep and they needed a smokescreen to start stealing from social security and medicare and NY trump grifters foundation. It’s a multitasking smokescreen.
This right here. We need to be united in our messaging. We need to be flooding all media with fact news. This is on Trump. This is on Republicans that do nothing to stop him. This is on the people who voted for him, even the ones that have changed their minds. We need to drown out the racist idiots hot takes.…
They are the real terrorists.
You go 5 mph over the speed limit, you lose your kids.
Although it’s harsh, you are not wrong. All of us got complacent and now it’s going to take a hell of a lot of actual blood sweat and tears to get the demons back in the bottle. In this household, we’re all woke now. We all vote in every election, protest when we can, but now it’s going to take more than voting and…
Hey Dude! That’s harsh. Orange Foolius is just trying to Be Best... nazi.
It needs to be made crystal clear that each and every GOP congressmen completely and totally supports sending kids to concentration camps.
also - racist wannabe ayn randian asshole
If there was justice in the world he’d already have been hit by a municipal bus.
I’m surprised they haven’t farmed out all the work to the immigrant detention centers.
My goal today is to call each and every prolife affiliated group I can find to see what they are doing to help these children that they demand be brought in to the world. And, I’m calling every religious organization - including my local churches/synagogues/mosques to see what they are doing about all of this. It may…
Maybe he’s testing the waters issuing pardons to people who were guilty of fraudulent activity relating to an election.
Great! I’m all in for teaching moments. Too bad the Tangerine Caligula and The Cult of Crazy will never learn anything from it.
Although, I don’t like to hemorrhoid shame, I totally agree.
d) All of the above
I agree with you on all of this and I might add, putting on my tinfoil hat, I think the recent poisoning of Skripal and his daughter was a warning to all of them about what will happen if they don’t tow the line including Cheetolini.
Will the lifeboats be seated according to class?
That gif sums up the entire republican agenda.