
My goal today is to call each and every prolife affiliated group I can find to see what they are doing to help these children that they demand be brought in to the world. And, I’m calling every religious organization - including my local churches/synagogues/mosques to see what they are doing about all of this. It may

Maybe he’s testing the waters issuing pardons to people who were guilty of fraudulent activity relating to an election.

Great! I’m all in for teaching moments. Too bad the Tangerine Caligula and The Cult of Crazy will never learn anything from it.

Although, I don’t like to hemorrhoid shame, I totally agree.

d) All of the above

I agree with you on all of this and I might add, putting on my tinfoil hat, I think the recent poisoning of Skripal and his daughter was a warning to all of them about what will happen if they don’t tow the line including Cheetolini.

Will the lifeboats be seated according to class?

That gif sums up the entire republican agenda.

She probably has spotted the iceberg and wants to make sure she’s in one of the first class life boats.

Willow is awesome! It’s Val Kilmer’s best movie and the soundtrack is equally amazing!

You’re doing the lord’s work, my friend.


Hey Cheeto Tweeto!!

The whole idea of elected mayor as figurehead with unelected city manager having all the power is completely insane to me. How can that kind of power grab away from the people be legal?

They don’t care. They’re in it for the long con of stealing all of everyone’s money. I hate to say it - they’re pretty good at it too.

I have restless legs - when I get a bout of it - I take magnesium citrate. Magnesium is a muscle relaxer. Usually clears it up in about 15 minutes.

Grifters gotta grift!

The coup has already happened.

Totally agree with you on Luke’s character assassination - although I did laugh at a lot of the gags.

They honed their skills on this maneuver in North Carolina.