
A pinch measures between 1/8 and 1/16 of a teaspoon. So half a pinch would be between 1/16 and 1/32 of a teaspoon.

That’s probably useful. But don’t neglect making sure they have their 64 crayon box. Can’t speak for today, but most people of my generation still know what color “cornflower blue” is because of it.

It’s possible that your state or locality has a similar system. Our town does, and we periodically get alerts that the police are looking for a suspect dressed this way, last seen in this neighborhood. We had to opt in. It has never been misused. If you want such alerts, you can look for them and sign up. 

Did the Sugru deal end, or is there some code we need to use? It’s not showing at that price for me.

Did the Sugru deal end, or is there some code we need to use? It’s not showing at that price for me.

We have schnauzers, who are subject to pancreatitis if you screw with their diet, so we’re careful what we feed them anyway, but when we do “share” something with them, they get a taste of it in their bowls, not licking our own portions - God knows what they’d get up to if we taught them that eating our food in our

I’ve actually missed a couple of funerals because people said, “Oh, I posted it to Facebook, so I thought you knew!” 

Yes, you’re in public, which means you tacitly consent to having the people who happen to be in the vicinity see you. It doesn’t mean you tacitly consent to be posted to the internet feed and having your life go viral. If you want that, you can post yourself to the internet, not some nonconsenting stranger.

We have a real easy way of telling if one of our two dogs is getting car sick. If he’s in the car, he’s getting car sick. The other never has a problem.

And there shouldn’t be any reason not to ask a flight attendant to take the peel away for you. “Room temperature peel stink” problem solved.

It’s cute and all - insanely cute - but our dogs simply freeze completely and refuse to move if you put anything other than a dog coat on them - and even then, only when it’s crappy out. Otherwise, they just stare at us with big “But WHY” looks on their faces and don’t move until you take it off again.

It’s cute and all - insanely cute - but our dogs simply freeze completely and refuse to move if you put anything

Paneer is especially cool because while it’s cheese, it’s not melty, so you can pan-fry it to crispy goodness on the outside without puddles.

All true, but at the same time, once a small upright freezer is full of, well, anything - the “freeze containers of water if you must” advice applies - then even if all the cold AIR goes away every time you open it, that air is only a small part of the volume, and once it’s closed again, not only does the freezer

How many people does this recipe serve? Because it seems like a lot, especially with the full cup of sauce.

One tip I picked up a long time ago is that if you KNOW your question is stupid (or that it’s likely to be seen as offensive, but you don’t know enough to phrase it any other way), is simply to say that first, honestly and genuinely.

I use a mixed alphabetical/theme system. I have a bunch of Copco honeycomb spice racks (now insanely expensive and listed as “vintage”, but they were cheap and everywhere when I got them. I guess I count as “vintage” now, too.)

Just to be clear, you don’t open the can? Just process it in the instant pot? No worries about anything exploding?

I tried them. They were okay. I won’t be ordering them again.

On more or less a whim, I got an Braun immersion blender that has interchangeable heads with the blender, a whisk/beater, and a tiny food processor/spice grinder with significantly more room than my old coffee grinder. I use it all the time. I was surprised how much I use the processor attachment for small jobs that

I don’t know if it counts as “biggest impact,” but after years of wishing that the movable shelves in my IKEA and similar bookshelves were in the right places, it finally dawned on me that I could just drill holes where I wanted them. I even made a template from a plastic ruler by marking and drilling holes to match

We’re a two-person household, too. The mini instant pot (3 qt) works wonderfully for us.