I’d add some Band-Aids to that list - especially if you can find one of those little travel packs of them that can also be refilled if you used any. About the size of two sticks of gum.
I’d add some Band-Aids to that list - especially if you can find one of those little travel packs of them that can also be refilled if you used any. About the size of two sticks of gum.
Ask her several times. She has different answers.
There’s honestly no way I’d even try this, but my first thought was a layer of parchment paper or silicone mat so you could manipulate the refrozen ice cream. Any possibility, or would that add too much insulation?
Sorry, but you don’t get your disclaimer. When you say that you’re condemning the lives and loves of millions of your fellow human beings simply for being honest about who they genuinely find themselves to be and who they genuinely find to love, you forfeit your right to announce that anyone who responds need to be…
Nothing I’ve tried creamed-cornwise, but a technique from America’s Test Kitchen to ramp up the corn flavor in cornbread was to take the corn from three ears of corn, blitz it in a blender or food processor, and then gently cook it down in a saucepan to drive off the water, concentrate the flavor, and add some flavor…
You can actually make corn stock from stripped cobs in water - and use it for making your rice, cooking your pasta, or anywhere else you use water in cooking. So it would follow that tossing the ears in while doing the sous-vide would generate extra flavor as well.
Oh, please. Properly sliced prosciutto can be folded to fit on a Ritz cracker, or even tastefully draped to mound elegantly in the center of one. Or of course, plopped on and nibbled around the edges into any shape you wish.
If you add a five minute daily walkthrough - such as at bedtime, as part of finishing the dinner dishes, or even right when you get home - for nothing more than just putting away things that actually have a home, or at least getting things into the right room - dishes to the kitchen, clothes to the bedroom, etc, and…
Now that makes sense to me.
Back before smartphones, I carried a pocket DayTimer with me everywhere. Mostly for memos and appointments and work related notes, but I included a page with exactly this idea - every meaningful measurement in my home. (And a page with birthdays, and a page with the data on things I routinely ordered by mail or, once…
One mistake a lot of guys make is putting it on just before insertion - meaning that you’re taking a break in whatever activity was turning you on, having to shift focus to thinking about the condom, and putting something cool (or at least room temperature) on, further changing the sensation.
Is the problem that he can get too far into the house before dumping things? Can you put a bowl by the front door for all his dumpables?
I agree. Pay attention to where things pile up, or what things don’t seem to have a home. At least corral them.
Cute, but the um.... crap.. that ends up on auto floor mats is hardly any less appealing.
Did you ever follow up on the idea of doing lobster, especially frozen lobster tails?
God, I feel old.
Interesting that all three of the options take for granted that people are posting their selfies online. Even the “autobiographers” are described as “They like that people can see their photos [...] It’s more like keeping a public photo album.”
The rule always was “I before E, except after C, or when sounded like A, as in neighbor and weigh.”
We grow our own basil and mint, so we’re big fans of Caprese salad - at the end of the season, I harvest the remaining basil and make basil olive oil (keeps in the freezer) so we have a double hit of basil in our salads along with the tomatoes and mozarella. I’ve been mixing in a hint of mint and that works nicely.
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