
I disagree. I would put actors under the “aesthetic needs” category.

You sound deranged. Thought you should know before the whitecoats come for you.

Considering you weren’t asked … But hey, congrats on virtue signaling?

You’re pretty ignorant by lumping all Ukranian soldiers as “nazis”. Do you by any chance, do publicity for Vladimir Putin? I ask because you sound just like him.

Well said, Comrade.

A foregn fascist regime invades a sovereign country, bombs their cities and kills their people. Nitwits like you get your info from fascist regime propaganda and pretend like you know what the f*ck you’re talking about. You’re as dim as the Trumpies.

I’m sure you know much more about the situation than a long time military expert who is actually there.

how hard are the chicken hawks at Fox news going to ignore this story?  or mock it as a publicity stunt (which it definitely would be if Bannon or Alex Jones did it LOL)?

Important to note: part of the plea deal for the sentence was that she could not appeal to have to sentence reduced once it was decided. That’s likely why this went the way it did.

I’d argue that it’s the other way around: It shows how unprotected Black women are. No way in hell would Chris Rock have made that joke about a white woman suffering from a serious medical condition.

Only in Hollywood can one man sucker punch another man for literally nothing and then get a standing ovation.

This. Exactly this.

The WTF moment was not when Chris Rock made a joke about Jada Smith. The WTF moment was when Will Smith got up from his seat, walked onto stage, and slapped Chris Rock in front of the world. Please don’t make the story about the dumb joke. The dumb joke did not make Will Smith get up there and smack Chris Rock. Will

Would Chris Rock have made that joke about about Nicole Kidman if she’d lost her hair due to chemo? I’m guessing not. It’s always easy to make fun of Black women.

Because it’s not like hair is hugely important to Black women, and how we’re percieved.

I believe it’s a condition that affects mostly women called Alopecia and not something common.

Somewhere in Texas, Heidi looks on at her husband with disappointment in her eyes.

The Blackest Oscars ever. And we have to have Black on Black violence? If that was staged, that’s F’ed up. If that was real, that’s F’ed up. That was seriously F’ed up.

t should have been longer!!!

Now get the feds involved.