
Eh, without more cops it would have mostly been dead cops and little to stop the riot (kind of like if the Land Management force had starting shooting at the Bundy Ranch terrorists). They (cops) should have been there in force so violence could have been used to effectively end the insurection quick.

When he is talking about a bloodbath, I don’t think it means that the rioters would have been cut down. You have to remember that the police on the hill were vastly outnumbered with no support coming, which was planned by Republicans. If they had opened fire with the limited numbers they had, the rioters would have

These are the same people who raise like a million dollars through GoFundMe for killer cops.

I wish Capitol Police would have start with riot tactics, non-lethal projectiles, then lethal force. Then the National Guard and the military would have shown up much sooner without Nazi Trump’s say.

Excessive force? They barely used any, it certainly wasn’t on par with the force used against actual peaceful protesters who had the temerity to protest while not being white.

“He’s said he’s out with his daughter, and he’s had random people run up and throw drinks in his face, and stuff like that. “

Shoulda been a blood bath. Teach those assholes a lesson. Like they do peaceful protestors. 

Well they have been married for 50 years which included his own time of addiction. I don't know exactly, but he is still on speaking terms with his wife and daughter Renée (she had a reoccurring role on The West Wing and was Betty in Heathers). From the little I know the Estevez family does not have the entrenched

@Eve-The-original-sinner: I dunno, I've partied with plenty of men with plenty of drugs and alcohol involved and no one has ever laid a hand on me. Seems like a shitty excuse.

Wow. I just read that Movieline article with Charlie Sheen. I kid you not i feel physically nauseous. Holy. Shit. I had considered that he is currently going through a temporary psychosis or something, but I guess he's just like this all the time?

Who is even watching 2 1/2 men? that show BLOWS, why do they keep paying this ass clown for it?

I agree that racism is treated too lightly, but sexism is treated lighter still. I can give a list of celebrities who have made racist comments and ended their careers (Michael Richards, I'm looking at you). I can't think of one that has ended their careers by being sexist (Mel Gibson doesn't count because he's a

I agree with others that this post in no way dismisses racism. There's a difference between saying that sexism should be treated as seriously as racism and saying that we shouldn't care about racism.

I wonder if part of the reason that hate-speech caught on tape gets more attention than domestic violence is that by virtue of a tape, there's no he-said/she-said or it's a "personally issue" factors that get dragged into domestic violence? Also, I think domestic violence issues make people really uncomfortable and

It would be counterproductive oppression olympics if she was actually arguing that sexual violence is worse than racism, but that isn't the point of her article. Yes, she separated the two issues and compared them, but not to argue that one is worse than the other. She's saying that sexual violence deserves as much

Her argument is that sexual violence should get as much attention as racism. Not that racism should get less.

Dear Goddesses: Get out. Leave. Sneak out in the dead of night if you have to, but exit Sober Valley Lodge. Now. Get friends and/or family to help you, phone the police if you haven't any other help. I fear for your safety, and no amount of beauty, youth or kindness or your part is going to insulate you from The

Can anyone on this board name someone in your life you "accidentally" shot? Yeah, I thought so.

Chuck Lorre's reaction to the name-calling (and lack of reaction to Sheen's domestic abuse problems) really makes me question the type of guy Lorre is. (Forget about Sheen, I think we all know what kind of guy he is.) Lorre responded to Sheen's rants a week or two ago with the maturity of a junior high kid, using

I used to read "Movieline" back in the '90s. It was a magazine that was known for getting very candid interviews from the actors that it profiled.