
I highly recommend the book “WALKING WITH THE DEVIL: The Police Code of Silence” by MICHAEL QUINN a retired Minneapolis, MN police officer (13 years at MPD—some of them in training trying to CHANGE so-called “police culture”). What’s wrong is a horrible convergence of BAD hiring (NOT good enough screening to block

Thanks for asking these questions. I wondered how at age TWELVE Smith was allowed to work at a BUSINESS. Seems to me his FAMILY probably EXPLOITED HIS LABOR FIRST (taking his paychecks from age 12 to 17). But, smoehow DIDN’T “notice” that there were no paychecks after that? Were they just glad to have their disabled

Perps have to serve 85% of federal sentence. If his sentence is shortened it may be fellow prisoners exacting a more accurate form of justice for the horrors this retrograde neo-confederate inflicted on this man. Hope that the resturant is seized from the family and given to Smith. That wold help mitigate the low

DNA Proved that the guy who later CONFESSED (& had a RECORD of VIOLENT SE4XUAL ASSAULTS) was the actual Rapist. You know, SCIENCE...or are you like many other Trumpers & DON’T believe in science?  WHTY are you so damn invested in making these 5 youths guilty when they spent YEARS (7 to 13 years) in PRISON until the

The victim—known as the Central park Jogger—had BRAIN INJURY due to serious CONCUSSION. She never said she could remember any details of the attack. Are you trying to say that the DNA that EXONERATED the 5 youths is wrong? join the 21st Century where SCIENCE can actually PROVE INNOCENCE.

IQ45 was ALREADY LOSING BILLIONS even BEFORE he went to the White House. NO U.S. BANK would give him a loan for (at least) last 20 YEARS. ONLY Deutche bank would give him loans—& they’ve been FINED HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS for MONEY LAUNDERING. In HIS OWN WORDS, Trump talked about SAUDI ARABIA buying his


Share this widely! In 5 minute video, Joy Reid calls it. Her show really takes no prisoners & does serious TRUTH TELLING. AM JOY  every SAT. & SUN. 10AM EST/9AM CST (2 hours long) on MSNBC. She & CHRIS HAYES (All In 8PM EST/8PM CST Mon-Fri). on the BEST on MSNBC.

I get it that Black parents must advocate for their children. Also hope if it’s YOUR child who’s the BULLY or disrupting classroom with BS, you’d discipline them.

Thank you for sharing your experience as a teacher. WAY TOO MANY people/parents have NO IDEA what teachers are up against when it comes to STUDENTS’ behavior.

Thank you for sharing your experiences as a teacher. I think too many people/parents HAVE NO IDEA what teachers face day in, day out from some students.

Love Your Mom’s Ome Rule” Be a decent human being. ALL parents should strive for that.

Will Black parents ALSO Hold THEIR KIDS responsible when THEY are the Bullies?

I DO think this horrible assault should REMAIN on the 2 white girls record until age 18 (expunged if no more violence on their part). But,SAUVAGE came up with sane & sensible response as for these kids’ behavior is concerned. The ADULT on the other hand should be CHARGED—-period.

BEST summary of THE REAL DEAL going on.

I think there’s a lot of JEALOUSY being aimed at King—because he GETS PUBLISHED and he’s RAISED SO MUCH MONEY for FAMILIES. It just smells like BS.

a really tacky nick-name from JEALOUS PEOPLE

Let’s take your observations to your “logical” conclusions and apply them to MEN.

NOt only, yes, but, HELL, YES!!! Why the hell can’t the DNC see what a sub=par candidate Biden is??? He really is an example of double-triple standards that cut white men slack that POC and women of all colors DON’T  get.

I guess you haven’t bothered to actually READ Sen. Warren’s actual “plans for that” on many many issues. While she’s obviously white, I sense some sexism going on. I can imagine you’d say that your support for Sen. Kamala Harris means sexism couldn’t possibly be part of your responses. However, as a DA, Harris FAILED