
They also have a business model that is ruining the industry. So, there's that.

I see an "I LOVE COCAINE" macro in this image's future.

A lot of decisions to become vegan also derive from ignorance. What's your point?

only one? Nonsense! Karkand, Mario Circuit, Claustrophobopolis, Lost Temple...

Yes, that is the joke.

No microtransactions in Final Fantasy 14...

Too bad you don't get to decide who gets discounts and who pays more.

What if I only want to play with people in my own country? Seems like the perfect way to do that.

I'm amazed that you were able to see his face to know it was straight, what with the interview being in text.

You are obviously one of the people nobody likes to play with, and furthermore, judging by the amount of vitriol with which you address this topic, you are clearly very aware of this fact.

Because of how well court convictions have done to end the drug trade, right.

Something tells me the game's community would be pleased with your decision.

Playing fighting games for the story? Wow...

That is called correlation. Dictionaries are free on the internet. You know what to do. I hope.

Two words: vending machines.

Not true. Hotz deliberately engineered the ability to play backups out of his jailbreak. Piracy was never his intention and he isn't a gamer in the first place. He wanted to use the PS3 the way he wanted: as a PC that is far cheaper than the price of its hardware. Lots of other people were interested in that

But since correlation doesn't imply causation, that doesn't actually mean much.

I must know more about this. Please share!

Considering that Final Fantasy 6, a 30-50-hour RPG, has a total running time of 1hour 46 minutes of unique music, I'd say a first-person shooter having 60 minutes is quite the accomplishment.

This borderline-racist comment brought to you by having absolutely no idea that the game has a different name in Japan.