Blue orchid

OMG! WTF! She made this song into a country western song. That’s messed up.

Try being a person of color living in the US. The fear is not irrational. It is very real.

Thank you for the info. I understand why black people are leaving this country. We are in a fight for our very souls.

African Americans living in America under constant threat makes us more prone to heart disease, diabetes and depression.

This is why idiots shouldn’t have money! Smdh

I get so tired of the moral majority on the Internet. Why does Ms. Mallory have to justify attending the NOI event? Just because she has a relationship with Minister Farrakhan doesn’t mean she agrees with everything he says. The NOI leader is in his 80s. His point of reference of racism is very different our point of

I am a self-employed, homeowner who lives in the hood. My house is PAID FOR, my car is PAID FOR and my business is in the black. I love in the oldest black community in my city where there is 90% black home ownership. I am proud of my hood.

You have teachers molesting students, do you really want them to have guns? There is already a lot of poor judgement going on, why exacerbate it with something so stupid? These republicans are so flippant and cavalier with the lives of our children. It’s a Damn shame!

This asshole has never helped anyone in his life. Smdh!

This level of hatred is a serious cancer. To Continue perpetuating this racist dialogue when more and more people are brown and black in the world than white is mind numbing. Wtf! Do these folks just sit down to breakfast with their kids and spew this crap? These kids have access to the world we never had, so there is


Reading the comment section you realize that many people have lost touch with reality when it comes to the working poor. They forget about the increase in housing costs, food costs and education have dessiminated any chance of saving an extra buck. Also the decrease or stagnation of wages. Unless, a person decides to

Bam! Drop the mic!

The sense of entitlement as if you or The Root owes him something is hilarious.

This is heartbreaking. RIP Erica. Prayers to the Garner family.

I worked in state government. You could retire at 30 years service. I knew ppl who retired at aged 48. You pay into the pension system. However, once you leave service, your health insurance triples and you must continue to work in order to pay the health costs so most ppl get 2nd careers until 62 or 65 to get the

Unfortunately this has been an oligarchy since the days of Regan, reganomics was the beginning of the end of the middle class, but as long as it didn’t personally impact certain ppl, everyone went along with it. Now the middle class is squeezed, our kids are worse off than we were and we’ve created a debt crisis and

Boy just angry that Trayvon’s name will be forever on our lips, in our mouths and on our hearts, but no one not even his family gives a flying f*ck about him. Dude you are forgotten!. LOSER!

Why aren’t these places called Cracker’s Inn or Honky Ville. Why can’t wypipo just keep us out of their thoughts? They are obsessed with everything Black. Go exploit your own rascist, violent theiving history and leave us we f*ck alone!

Michael, you are my hero!!! You always keep it REAL!