
A livable salary and reasonable hours? What kind of crazy socialist hippie shit is that? That company will be out of business in six months!

Hi Jason! A chilean guy here! The video it’s hilarious, but I feel I should warn you the twitter account you linked is a far-right, trump-stan alike. On the future, please try to avoid giving visibility to account names with ‘patriota’ on them.

The best option, if it’s financially feasible, is to get a two year lease on a brand new Mustang Convertible. I can guarantee that the payments will be about the same as buying a car for $25K plus (not to sound insensitive), when she’s gone, Ford can just take the car back. No hassle in trying to sell and you can do


Yeah, I figured as much. The sentence construction brought to mind terrifying tools with names like the bung hammer, the unidirectional turd wrench, and an assortment of pee rivets in multiple sizes.

He did try, but was let down by a defective extinguisher.

I first saw the headline and then thought “Is this a David article?”  :P

[24 hours later] “Here’s what’s going on with this wheel [slideshow]”

This is a delight. Although I wish it looked more like a vintage Citroën.

No no no no, you haul oily junk TO the scrapyard. 

Every other car blog defaults to right leaning except for EV-specific ones. Can’t you just let us have this one?

Except that people forget just how much federal money goes into subsidizing freeways and airports.

That sounds pretty much par for the course for those things. They are like giant, super complex Audi Allroads. They are never going to be operating at 100%.

America isn’t ready for this kind of action because America has spent decades making excuses for why we can’t have trains instead of just building trains.

A CDL should be required for anyone driving anything like this.

As someone who loves both cars and camping, I never understood the finishes in these things.

Way to victim blame. Guess you’re one of ~those~ men. 

Side note for my fellow commenters: maybe we should retire the term “gypsy cab” and its pejorative racial connotations.

This is "mansplaining" isn't it?

Not to go off on a tangent, but can we stop using the term “ridesharing”? That isn’t what Uber or Lyft are. It is a marketing term they use to try and make it not sound like what they are, taxi services circumventing taxi regulations.