
Yes, it's only for cutting hair.

Google flowbee.

It was on the noozle and he rolled it off and onto the hair.

Doesn't this also affect the portion sizes of juices?

Daylight at 7:30 pm is awesome.

What. The. F?

Kaiser? A hipster? HA!

I want this for my parents!

The grass is always greener.

All the best Joe. Thanks for the drinks with Kaisermachead!

Anyone still play it?

Love China IL on Adult Swim.



I though he was meh before nite owl.

They influence the buyers at Old Navy?

The scene where the kid wants to call the ex-wife and the parents are begging him to snap out of it. I've witnessed that. Oh the hurts.

That looks like a production painting for the Stargate movie.

Take your time and do it right!

I bought one around the time the first two main MP3 players came out. I loved mine. Wish it still worked.