
I suspect there is a horrid looking portrait up in his attic somewhere...

It’s like Dr. Evil meets “Being There”.

A question I go back to time and time again. Say the passenger was male. He’s found unconscious, pants off, the taxi driver thrusting into his ass. Would the judge still consider whether or not there had been a “flirtation” before the guy passed out?

They do know how the BCC works and aren’t happy with the questions coming from the British Communications Corporation.

All i could think after reading it was to tell my wife i love her. Damn, i can’t think of what reality would be like with out her.

“I prefer monsters that don’t fall off building and die, okay?”

...showing inspiration from Francis Ford Coppola...John Woo, Terrence Malick, Zack Snyder,

I think the Hindu goddess, Kali, would be an appropriate deity to help us out right now.

They don’t want to give their plans away because Muslims are just for practice since they’re an easy scapegoat in the current climate, then they come for everyone else.

So true!

“He’s gutted it in a way that makes it difficult to even work on a basic logistical level.”


That is awesome! Thanks for posting this. Anybody else think the real headline for this article should be Sir Patrick Stewart Not Circumcised And He Didn’t Even Know It.? Perfect clickbait.

I’m actually kind of hoping high profile Republicans go with the mental illness angle because then we can point out that they just passed legislation giving the mentally ill more guns.

Maybe I missed something, because I remember him being in the primary, and staying in long after it was clear he couldn’t win, apparently just to sap Hillary’s energy. Then Hillary probably would have gotten most of the Bernie votes that stayed home.

Trump isn’t the least awful person in any given room if he’s there by himself.

I hate to say inbreeding but yes, it’s the inbreeding.

My cool-as-shit girlfriend found this poster in mint condition at a memorabilia store in Austin and had it framed really nicely for my birthday.

The only Arthur movie that matters.

They were warned. It was explained to them. Still, they persisted.