
Hating black people and women never goes out of style.


If GOP donors realize their dollars won’t secure them cabinet positions they might stop giving.

“...This is my second or third new doctor after the first few refused to believe that a woman my age didn’t want to be ready to make the babies RIGHT NOW.”

Who thought Park Rangers, Coke and Bud would be the face of the Revolution?

Nevada is in, Colorado is in, Idaho, Utah and Montana are out.

Please promise me that if Cali succeeds that they take Las Vegas with them. Please don’t leave us behind. We turned the whole state blue!

This is 100% Bannon. Trump has established himself as an incredibly useful idiot and Bannon has his ear almost exclusively.

That’s my same thought too, this isn’t new. Snagglepuss was the Uncle Arthur of Hanna Barbara

Heavens to Mergatroid!

Something to do with Baseball I bet.

He could fix a script. I bet it was more:

Well, there goes at least 75% of my desire to see the new Batman film, and about 90% of my faith that it will be worth watching.

Everyone, including the press should just ignore Trump’s existence and direct all Whitehouse questions to ‘President Bannon’. Trump and his team would implode if everyone recognized Bannon as the true leader.

I can’t take anyone seriously who thinks Alien Resurrection is a better film than Prometheus.

I’d start by disowning any friends and family you have who have ever voted Republican

Yes, there’s huge competition among renters to pay as much as possible for a roof over their heads, especially when they aren’t earning very much to begin with. Landlords stand helpless as they are buried beneath drifts of cash. It’s awful to watch.

An infinite number of Gawker writers working at an infinite number of keyboards might produce a marginally coherent article?

At least Satan would probably be ok with keeping religion out of schools.

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?