In my fictional novel Alabama gets what is coming. But only after all our fam are told ahead of time and leaves. So that once the fam are gone, Alabama gets nuked.
I was super uncomfortable with the other article about Glover’s work and his partner, it turned into a weird projection of the author’s issues with his white mother onto this cipher of another person.
All I know is, that there wasn’t this bias towards Glover at this level prior to these “black man with white woman speaking on black issues” topics started up.
BTW, this isn’t just a high school issue. Blerds aren’t getting checked for PERIOD. Not in HS, College, anywhere. I’ve personally done ok, but I was also athletic and artistic, I know plenty of blerds who aren’t and are not being checked for. Why anyone care about the dating preferences of people they’re not into I…
I’m beginning to think Meghan McCain is a bit of an asshole
So you understand it exists but want to pretend it doesn’t because it hurts your feelings? That’s the standard mediocre white person response. Not sure why you took the time to write it out like that.
It also labels a privilege things that either should not be a privilege (ie not being shot by police, not being assumed to be a shoplifter, having decent schools and grocery schools near you), or that you have no control over or both.
He gets about 2 charges a game. But I’d like to see the stats on guys willing to take a second charge from him.
It was aired to do what Fox News does best, make white people angry and afraid.
Way to bring the fire, troll! We all realized irony died on November 8, 2016, but Ms. Dash is legitimately, how do the kids put it, “cray-cray.” Even by the GOP’s ever diminishing standards, she is wacko. But, hey, she did have a decent Playboy spread, which puts her right in line with POTUS’ predilections.
You can’t separate a parent and a child because the parent is embarassing socially, nobody would have parents.
“We located her dead body concealed under the floor of the residence last night .… We believe that’s probably what started this whole event.”
I am hoping for ass cancer, just because ass cancer...
No I just want someone to go on air and just beat the shit out of him. I mean MMA/UFC style.
I think y’all miss some important points... It was the 80's and at the time, this show was ground breaking. You talk about shows that come later and break more ground, but they wouldn’t have existed if not for this show.
You did. Yes I take this shit seriously, people are literally being killed over it. When you feed a false white narrative about black men, one created specifically to devalue them as human, you are contributing to white supremacy.
Are some? Sure. Are all black males in a conspiracy to keep black women down? No, fuck that noise. That bullshit is white nonsense spread to devalue the lives of black men.
Feminisms sole purpose is to say white women are as oppressed as people of color. Feminism is white supremacy. Of course black women are oppressed, no one here is otherwise or spreading a false narrative about black women.
It fits a toxic white narrative that isn’t reality, that’s why.