Me, Me, and Me

Keys is team “I’m not black or white and don’t think about race at all”, so EFF her. I am rooting for Sloane and yeah I want Venus to come back and slay more chicks before she retires.

No, she understands rather well - it may be good business sense, but it’s also complete fucking bullshit.

She’s a goddamn cheater. The prescription for Melodium is supposed to be for 3-6 months, Not 10 years.

“...she paid a very steep price for something she readily admitted...” after failing a drug test because she and her team, uh, failed to click a link that would have told her that the drug was banned? Listen, I’m actually high right now, so I don’t want to get all holier-than-thou, but she readily admitted using

White lady: We don’t serve colored people here.

Hard to say I’m stunned as I did know he was sick, but I am sorry to hear that he has passed at a time when his commentary would’ve been fascinating to hear for the next three years or so.

“Neither Michael Vick nor Ray Lewis is a coon.”

I hate to use a line from a Quentin Tarantino movie, but Kaepernick is that “one nigga in 10,000.”

I always hated Kramer even before I knew how Fucking racist the dude was, and now the reruns are mostly unwatcheable because of him.

Just goes to show how entitled whites are when it comes to their humanity. They aren’t required to feel empathy for us or anyone else, or to have any sort of introspection on intersectional issues... but to not feel empathy for them? Suddenly you deserve the death penalty for the grave misdeed of not loving white

And here they are with the whine missing the point:

“Devaluing human life based on the color of someone’s skin is a perfect example of racism. Congrats.”

I like that, victimized-white-girl look. I’ll be sharing that with my friend, with whom I bitch about this kind of crap all the time.

Serena isn’t trying to sell stuff in every single social media moment. That’s the difference. Sharapova is more brand than person, that’s the point. Which you missed.

There’s two things wypipo hate:

Not coming to his defense, but it lowkey seems that people, Black women in general, have been coming for him for everything since his marriage last month to a woman who’s not Black (shes Arabic). People were up in arms because, well shes not Black, while others said she is because shes north African blah blah