Me, Me, and Me

I absolutely love watching Julius Randle play. Call him what you will, but there are about 20 other teams that would love to him on their roster as a starting PF. It’s not pretty...but watching him put other bigs on their asses, or watching him back them up, even when he’s outmatched in terms of size, is some

She’s a woman in body alone. Outside of that, she’s the typical right-wingnut female whackadoo.

I liked the idea of them being together. Maybe the marriage thing was a bit rushed though. But seeing Black/Black love was a welcome addition during that time. Before then, any female Black character seemed to be forced to pair with a white male. Misty Knight/Iron Fist, Storm/Forge (I know he was supposed to be

In addition, it’s time for fans to stop being mad at Lavar Ball. His words aren’t the reason this team is playing bad basketball. They are playing bad basketball because they aren’t coached well, and the front office can’t stop leaking out ignorance.

I can see the point he’s making. On the books, this is a pretty good group of players. But, cohesively? No. The rotations are awful. Why would Nance be on any rotation that doesn’t have at least 2 scorers is beyond logic. They kept Randle on the bench too long in the early part of the season, and gave Nance more

It’s odd that TV One would state that this came down to money and viewership, yet it’s the network’s highest-rated program. But somehow, Sister Circle can remain on the air? This makes no sense. Whether people care for Roland Martin or not, we NEED a Black news program. What’s been disappointing has been seeing some

In spite of what people think of him, it’s the only Black news show on TV, and Black people are doing the crabs-in-a-bucket thing? smh....

I’m with you on that...Hoping someone dies can only bring bad karma back on you. But...for him to get a good old fashioned ass-whipping...that would seem like redemption for him being such an assclown over the years.

Definitely. Priest’s run was excellent. But Coates brought a different type of awareness to the series that was necessary for today’s times. If you read Coates’ version without the memory of Priest’s work, you get a different feel for it.

Even if you’re not a nerd, his writing on The Black Panther has literally changed the game in terms of writing for Black comic book characters. Highly recommended.

Pre-ordered it on Amazon. Looking forward to it arriving tomorrow. I plan on reading it all night tomorrow, so I’ve cleared my calendar. Years ago, when I started reading James Baldwin, and realized how relevant he still was, I used to wonder how he would write today. Coates has become the continuance of Baldwin’s

Not completely. I work with a group of Black women and white men. We were discussing colorism once and half the Black women stated that they were American first then Black second, so colorism was non-existent. I’m pretty sure that some of this was said to garner approval from the white men, but still....there you go...

THIS. Thank you brother. I agree 100%. That title turned it into a hit piece.

I feel you completely. I thought this was a little disingenuous. I get pointing out issues that Black women may have with Black men. But it’s the Black man/white people equivalency that seemed to be stretching a bit to far to gain approval.

I enjoy a LOT of the writing here. But THIS seems to be more about appealing to the largest part of the base readers, who are Black women. There’s nothing wrong with writing for your audience, make an equivalency between Black men and White people? That’s a stretch that borders more on pandering than on truth

The Eagles can rot for all I care. I lost respect for them as an organization long ago back when they showed the utmost disrespect for Donovan McNabb. This only closes the deal for me.

Finally...I spent most of my afternoon scratching my head and wondering whether any else caught that. I thought I dreamed that for hours today.

Am I the only one that noticed the irony of this clown’s first name being “Toby”?

There in lies the problem. If you change number 10 to number 1, then white people will be shocked and outraged at the crime of Joe Arpaio. In their eyes animals are honorary white people. Why? Well...because...white people.