
The powerful bacon lobby has claimed another victim.

Fly you fools!

I feel like The AV Club is undergoing some sort of Brewster's Millions scenario brought about as the result of The Onion being bought out by Univision.

*Takes bite of White Castle hamburger*

His performance in the movie Life had a lot of good dramatic elements and I think is definitely an under-rated movie.

And drive a little red, neutronium-powered space corvette.

Basically James Franco in black face.

"Why Mr. Church, I do believe you may be the most banal, milquetoast man I have ever had the fortune of encountering."

"Bitch didn't set me up!"

Maybe it's not a scheduled breakup so much as a scheduled intervention.


Says the guy who guy who keeps his Disqus account set to private.

A Breitbart internship most likely.

I'm guessing you're trying to suggest that Teti is out of his element when discussing football, but I was hoping that maybe if pressed you'd clarify that you were joking or something.



He's going to make that storm his bitch.

Yay, Block and Tackle is back!

Between him and Steve Weatherford, there seems to be a trend in the last few years of kickers who might actually be the most in-shape players on their team.

Damn I got so excited to make a pickles comment I literally couldn't wait to read the next comment afterwards and missed this one before making mine.