
Joss Whedon: Eats, Shoots, & Leaves.

First thing that came to mind when I saw that.

I'm just about done with the AV Club as of this week: 95% of the articles now are internet reposts (GJI), movie/show trailers (Coming Distractions), or ridiculous attempts to get me to buy shit on Amazon (Income Disposal).

Get a Job, Internet.

Jimmy Eat World simultaneously announces new Back to School line of clothes at JCPenny

*Klezmer band politely suggests other Klezmer band is not quite as Klezmer as themselves*

Thou shalt live upon a prayer

Share the load

*sad tromboner*

Aside from that lucky Denver mint?

Mother may I play with Harambe?

"A zoo of murderers!"

Even their first two albums which were a lot of more "messy" weren't even close to resembling anything punkish

another album from Mesa, Arizona’s pop-punk phenomenon

*Drone proceeds to add "Peep Show" to Luthius' DVD Wishlist*

You forgot Sever

Whoever wins…we lose.

But how will I what know items I can / should buy from Amazon in the near future?
Help me AV Club!

OldTownGail DESTROYS Khmer Stooge's question with the perfect response. You won't BELIEVE what epic thing happened next!

Which when translated, comes out over there as All Requests, Denied