I thought the shit was stupid when it went viral, and then she appears on Inside Edition hamming it up, and I felt totally justified.
Pretty much any aspiring model/actress/random on the street would have accepted this job. I’m not going to shit on her.
When I was in elementary school, Free To Be You & Me was played during lunchtime if it was raining and we couldn’t go outside. That film (and The Lorax) MADE my childhood. And I didn’t even grow up in the USA, which tells you what an impactful production it truly was.
The part that seems extra bonkers to me is that, by including Terry Crewe’s testimony, Gillette was even explicitly acknowledging male victims, which is something MRAs frequently scream about.
I’ve been diving deep into discussions about this ad on my social media lately and men still can’t tell me why they are specifically upset about this commercial. It just gets sidetracked about politics, religion, etc.
Awwww! She was holding up one corner of this planet, I’m pretty sure.
I don’t know why, but Chris Pratt has always set off “DANGER, DANGER” bells in my head. Like, I feel as though he’d be really slowly emotionally manipulative and that his “charming” persona is just a public veneer that he strips off but only when he’s thoroughly got you under his control. RUN, KATHERINE.
Does the federal government even have a say over Native American territories? I remember reading something about 75 miles of land they couldn’t touch because it was owned by a Native American tribe.
He doesn’t care where they put it, as long as he can say he built it.
A border wall would divide the Native American Tohono o’odham tribe n Arizona.
I think he might be the world’s tackiest human (?) being.
That picture looks like a joke from a bad movie about a kid who became rich.
Fuck you, Jupiter, with your “I have my own gravitational pull” bullshit. All bodies with mass have their own gravitational pull. It’s call elementary principles of Newtonian physics.
It’s called “beauty light” and it's expensive and cumbersome to set up. She’s only gonna get that from Fox, which explains why she looks better on Fox and deathly on every other outlet.
I thought the anti-hair thing wasn’t to conform to ‘white woman’ standards (certainly my Irish/Scottish/Welsh background sisters have dark, thick, curly body hair), but because men ‘prefer’ younger (prepubescent) female bodies. Body hair is associated with masculinity, so women (and gender-non-confirming but femme…
I’m a little confused; I don’t think white women are excluded from body hair? Maybe western European white women? But. I mean, anyone of Jewish or Mediterranean descent knows what this is about... I was mocked mercilessly for my nipple/tuft of chest hair when I was younger, and certainly got endless mocking in junior…
Most of Twitter was like...maybe get him into that art school rather than going to straight murder.