
You do that. I don't even go on /b/.

To be fair, I avoid /b/ like the plague, but there is legitimate discussion that goes on over there.

And it's really not, you are just saying that because that is what the masses think and believe.

I think this is pretty funny, if it works. I also think you guys are "hating on 4chan" because it is fashionable.

Everything's fi

Candlejack. See. Nothing to be afraid of.

However, it takes neither a quick mind, a keen eye, or great critical ability to recognize the horribleness of your attempt at trolling.

It's not only that, it's their handling on the forums, banning for criticism, everything. All horrible.

It was ported to the DS.

Bioware fucked over their trust with DA2 and their handling of the situation.

I don't think Google would do well competing with the carriers it's trying to sell phones to.

I know, I often forget to go on it though.

I embrace this tag as well

I see no tag in the main page.. Especially no #blip tag. There is a tag on the side page, but it says AT&T and no one pays attention to it (and if they do, they shouldn't) because it is wasted space and a bad idea.

To be completely fair, the tweet sized blurbs are far and few between. But I feel like these tweet articles are just quick pageview grabs. And them being in larger size font is just annoying.

I'd just like to say the article, is, in fact, less than 120 characters.

Hopefully this will improve ATT's android presence.

You really couldn't be asked to write at least a several paragraph article on an immensely important event such as this? And instead, half-assed it with a tweet?

Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.

It's seems like looking up the definition of 'a Sisyphean task' is quite the Sisyphean task.