
I'm a PhD candidate (not in Phil, but in a related field). We have a required class in my program that is essentially "How to survive as an academic." These are ALL the kinds of requests that we are told to make upon receipt of a job offer. (Also, as a Canadian, not receiving paid parental — mat- or pat- — leave seems

I agree that this was worded in a problematic way.

I think it's incredibly demeaning for all kinds of queer lady-type-people, though, when "our" "sexuality" is used as bait like this. People like me never get represented; femme-y types get exploited, represented only as accessories to 'make a statement.'


So, I'm not an expert on American law - I'm Canadian and I'm just here for graduate school. But I can tell that these bullet points mostly put the onus on potential victims themselves to prevent their own attacks, and only one of them says anything about what to do in a situation where you witness anything; nor do

At UCSD, every time a woman is attacked on campus, we get an APB email from campus police. These emails end with the following victim-blamey advice:

I have a problem with pants.

The problem is that my narrowest part is my (relatively high) waist; and my second narrowest part seems to be just below the start of my coinslot, roughly around the top of my pelvic bone.

people who are afraid of gay marriage likely think they don't know any gay people. That's one of the reasons why coming out of the closet was/is such an important political act for us queers — first you get people to like you and want good things for you, then you say "surprise! I'm a homo/trans/bi-mo/poly/kinkster!"

..... 0r that he will, but only under her supervision........

(if that works for her like it does for me, which it probably doesn't.)

but.... what should we breed them to sew?

Try a Language Exchange — find a conversation buddy who wants to trade you their English skills for your German skills. If you want to be able to write persuasively in English, for example, try exchanging short pieces on some topic and then critiquing them in your target languages.

Craigslist used to have a section for

Seasonal suggestion: place a blanket of strips of bacon over the boob of your thanksgiving turkey. It will produce the best turkey you have eaten.

My idiot university (UCSD, home of millions of different Xtian fellowships and one atheist group) stopped giving away condoms for free at student health. And very few of the washrooms on campus have condom dispensers, from what I can see.

I kind of want to start guerilla condom bowls.

Anti-rape campaigns could be as simple as telling people to ask what their partners want. Something like "If you don't ask, you're asking for it. Don't let yourself become a rapist." "If they can't answer, you're asking for it. Fucking a blacked-out person is rape." "Stop rape: ask and respect."

"Consent is sexy" might

I was coming here to say just that.


There. I closed it.

You're welcome.

Yes, Wellbutrin is the one with the reputation, but the one I'm on is Celexa. I don't know why it works out this way. My understanding is that Celexa works on serotonin and cannabinoid receptors in the brain, not acetylcholine and dopamine, which is what would do it for smoking. Who even knows.

I stopped smoking shortly after I went on anti-depressants; I was never a heavy smoker though. If I had two or three in a day, that was a large amount for me. I usually just used them as a reason to be outside and alone, which was mindful and nice.

But since I've gone on my anti-depressant, smoking has held no pleasure

... a mutant, I'm assuming?

So - those of you lauding 'porn for women' as being ethically produced, unlike that gross porn for men: Do you believe that there should be essentially two markets, one that produces porn ethically, and one that doesn't, and that these should cater to people based on their genitalia?

Frankly, the phrase 'porn for

If his argument goes through, can I stop paying the portion of my taxes that goes to fund the military? Because I really, really don't believe in war. I'll still pay for the coast-guard, they're doing reasonable work, but it's against my principles to train poor people to kill.

The board *is* being held wrong. If you hold a board up so that the grain is running vertically, it's easy to chop it in half, because you're not punching THROUGH the fibers, you're just pulling them apart, basically. If you hold it with the grain running horizontally, it's damn near impossible to break it with just