
You could switch to Fringe and watch Pacey punch people and help fight mutants and mad science monsters and have Jon Noble be his weird genius dad.

Being in a long-term monogamous relationship doesn't stop you being bisexual.

All I'm saying is Monster Squad: the Next Generation.

I heard LOGO will be premeiring Cat-walking Dead soon.

D'oh. For some reason I was thinking of when the license was with Dark Horse before Disney bought up the franchise and moved the comics over to Marvel.

Larry Hama created Marvel's Wolfpack. If you can find it on the secondary market, its just a bonkers book involving teen ninjas in the Bronx 'cause of the lost tribe of Israel. So weird

Perhaps Mr. Sinister IS flirting with Iceman. Soon SinIce will be the beloved ship of a 1000 X-Men tumblrs.

LJ/GA is also 2-3 issues too long.

With the most recent issues and Aliens: Dead Orbit I now want a Becky Cloonan/James Stokoe horror book. Where the switch off art duties between issues and co-write.

In addition to my weekly pulls finished up my dipping into the Dark Horse SW comics with Darth Vader v.4 and Vader Down where Vader kills a whoooooole mess of Rebels trying to capture/kill him.

I'd go with LOT over Arrow, but I never got into either.

Is he still on the SYFY zombie show?

Gina Gershon got Jake and Rosa sent to jail. Damn her sexy, evil heart!

I keep trying to add up all the Maslany clone's in my head. Beth, Sarah, Helena, Cosima, Rachel, Allison, German one Helena shot, MK, Krystal, Tony. Ten? Is ten right?

As long as we find out that Dr. Leekie was a clone of the Real Main Bad Guy and we get more Matt Frewer for the final season.

For the actual debate, I didn't catch the original the Matrix until it hit Blockbuster (ha ha I'm old) and I still hate it sooooooo much.

I've read nearly all of Moore's books and Fool is a high-mark for vulgarity. Enough that I actively disliked the book and avoided the sequel as well. A better gateway book for Moore is probably going to be Lamb, Practical Demonkeeping or Bloodsucking Fiends.

I don't know about popular, but the 90s Suicide Squad run at least gives you something to care about with the characters. Especially the main ones like Deadshot, Flagg, Waller, etc…

I made it up to Waller introducing Enchantress to the Pentagon dudes. But yeah Leto's Joker is the fucking worst.

I understand next season Bullock will be joining a semi-pro arm wrestling league. So it looks like you jinxed it Stechel.