
Well the screenplay is Luc Besson so thats a plus. I haven't seen any of the director's other movies which all look to be Frecnh action/comedies. Its got some nice action sequences and I personally like the long-lost father/daughter thing. But I'm hesitant to actually label it as good. Really I'd say its worth a

Probably the best (or at least most memorable) part of Wasabi for me is Jean Reno attempting father/daughter bonding over a game of Dance Dance Revolution.

MasterChef is the tolerable one of the Gordon Ramsey competitive cooking shows. MasterChef Jr is great because Ramsey interacting with kids can end up being amazingly sweet.

Perhaps this dog will help start another Muppets show, becoming Kermit's new sidekick as a Dog Who's Pal is a Frog. Or the dog is actually Lockjaw on the new Inhumans show which spins-off into a Pet Avengers webseries Dog Who Knows Throg.

Rescue Me ran for like a billion and half seasons.

I'm pretty sure the network can keep going just on the Supernatural fandom on tumblr.

Astro City #44
Invincible #136
Knights of the Dinner Table #243
ROM #10
the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #20
and I'll at least check out the new Grrl Scouts: Magic Socks from Mahfood. Because I'm old and can remember the original mini-series.

But does this new talking dog have a blog? Or at least a motorcycle so they can be Dog With a Hog. What if the dog becomes a sled dog and is now Dog Who Must Slog?

Probably this one:

Until Ravi is revealed as a wereterrier with a talking chimpanzee grampa, I'll still give a slight edge to the original comic.

Everyone is done with the whole breaking out of prison thing. The next version will be Prison Rescue where the crew are brought in as temporary guards to help failing prisons get back on track. It'll air on SPIKE of course.

They should bring everyone back. And if they're dead, clones! Or ghosts. Or reincarnated as some kind of talking house pet. President Palmer Budgie and Jack race the clock to stop the ghost of whoever the Season 1 bad guy was. 24! Beep boop!

Katies fake baby daddy is Batman. Just like her real baby daddy is Batman. Batman!

It held up well I think. Little odd to see a pre-Johnathan Strange/Mr. Norell story from Susanna Clarke, though it was just as dull as I found the novel. But also some 90s Nancy Kress, Jane Yolen and Esther M. Friesner amidst others.

Started off the month with one of Datlow/Terri Windling 90s edited anthologies, Black Swan, White Raven. Which I'd somehow skipped over when devouring all their collections back in high school/college.

The month so far has been a fairly random mix of books. Some capes; some plucky children vs. authority, a legal thiller and a world-hopping fantasy. But right now I'm in the middle of a reread of the dozen-ish Discworld books (not including the YA Tiffany Aching ones). Finished Going Postal Sunday evening and now

I'm happy for more Elementary even I'll miss those points.

I got this month's releases mixed up in my head as well. Though for me it was thinking Master of None was last week and Sense8 this week.

Yeah, theres a thriving small press and self-published supers genre community.

I've been a Faeber fan since "Noble Causes" and "Dynamo5" so I'm a bit biased, but I think the series continues to stay strong.