
Counterpoint: You're a procrastinating genius!

I'd been trying to remember what episode of Cheers had an early Thomas Hayden Church in it. And this comment reminded me of Carla's 2nd husband and then of his funeral episode, which is where THC comes in as another ex-hockey player turned ice show person.

Moths. REALLY big moths.

I think that ended up on the cutting room floor for the movie version of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

I vaguely recall something from the Baldwin the Shadow involving Fu Manchu. Or maybe he just dressed like the guy at the start of the movie before becoming good.

The whole series was worth it just for Yewll and Tarr as prison buddies.

I'm betting they were hoping for a teens have wacky hijinx thing, but "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" came out that season as well, so why bother with the inferior product?

Frank Castle running around the White House could be great. I mean how far down the line of succession would he end up purging?

I'm sure Trump made a great deal, where all the Chinese leadership stay at Trump resorts for their vacations and in exchange China exerts all the influence over Korea.

A little boy with an old man's hand up its ass sounds like its right in FOX News' wheel-house.

Rhea Luthor? Did I miss an episode where Daxam was revealed as LuthorWorld?

I thought the secretaries at the Big/Tall Modeling agency were very kind for not openly guffawing and mocking Rob during his long-shot attempt at a modeling career. You could tell they really wanted to.

I was only going to watch a couple episodes and spread them out over the weekend. But then I couldn't stop watching and suddenly its episode six and Carrie Fisher and then no more new Catastrophe for awhile.

Dreamworks Animated about cave people starring Nic Cage and Emma Stone.

I did not care for Not Ray at first but he definitely grew on me. Also I may have been known to play "Ride Forever" on loop for several hours at a time.

"Its Kind of a Funny Story" where he's an orderly or possibly just a volunteer at a mental health facility.

I don't think the whole time is a closed loop ending they're trying to imply actually holds up.

The Broken Man, thats his name. I can never recall it and just refer to him as Purple Meta Guy,

This week was pretty full though I didn't get to any of my new trades.
Bitch Planet #10: J.M's summed this one pretty well I'd say.
Doom Patrol #6
Lobster Johnson: the Pirate's Ghost #2: The Lobster doesn't shoot or put the Claw of Justice to anybody this issue. :(
Jem: the Misfits #4: Y Kant ToriRoxie Read?

While not part of Iron Circus' erotica line, the pay-anthology adult webcomic site Filthy Figments has a lot of artist crossover. Also with a wide variety and flavors of female created smut.