
We grow too much corn and so gotta do something with all that syrup.

John Turturro caresses a bowling ball in a most indecent manner.

Given that NBC has tried bringing back Kolchak and Ironsides, I don't see a Quincy revamp being to far out there.

MWaP's notJoey should slowly morph into Episodes' LeBlanc. 'Cause I don't have premium cable channels and I miss Episodes.

Humans, like the tv show. Except its malfunctioning.

More Terriers! Or really anything with Donal Logue playing a detective or cop. Or just do a Gotham spin-off after Bullock gets kicked off the force. He could move to Star City and go drinking with their cops.

Maybe Henriksen gets killed in AvP? I think he was in that.


Cancel SLeepy Hollow already you stupid networks!

Man, I did not catch many "Oscar" movies last year. Of the two I did catch, Arrival over Hidden Figures.

Pedestrian? Underachieving? Lackluster?

From certain angles They Might Be Giants do appear freakishly tall.

Simonson's Thor run adds Beta Ray Bill and is thus the best Thor run there can ever be. Sure some other great stuff happens, but mostly BETA RAY BILL.

I've only read the one of Jason's books, Pocketfull of Rain, but it was quite good.

Still waiting on my Knights of the Dinner Table from two weeks back. Dumb ol' Diamond. Plus this weeks' Shutter got sent back as damaged. So for the previous week was Lumberjanes (with roller derby-ing), Invincible (with Oliver's funeral) and Dark Horse Presents.

Glad I dropped LW when I had the chance. Stupid the Mick and the Wall. And why won't Sleepy Hollow die already?!? Harrumph!

Miles and America attend the same Other-Dimensional Refugee Support Group. It meets next to the Replaced By Skrulls and Dealing With Cosmic Alterations to Your Life groups. Free donuts!

She'd seem to be down for indulging your Free Pass List threesome but would talk you around to enjoying the fantasy rather than the likely disappointing reality.

Billy Zane is, and forever will be, the Phantom.

Groucho hogged all the best lines