Also Jim Jarmusch movies should have director commentary on their dvds.
Also Jim Jarmusch movies should have director commentary on their dvds.
I'm gonna admit a dark secret. I like Guy Fieri. At least I like Diners, Drive-ins & Dives which makes for pleasant background noise.
Stupid "The Wall"! You're the new "Lethal Weapon".
SciFi movies like "Arrival" or "Interstellar" that allow for the idea that humanity isn't totally boned in the long run. Star Trek, especially TNG for same.
Wendy's fries have a window between freshly fried up and mushy yuck. Its about 10 to 15 minutes in my experience.
"but they aren't lizard creatures wearing human masks"
I also want a RR for him. So he can explain why they had him on the Firm's spin-off and NOT being the World's Smartest Serial Killer. Unless he secretly was?
And then like "Constantine" it will move to that streaming thing the Arrow/Berlanti-verse uses. And be animated I guess?
Benny Hill, computer expert in the original the Italian Job.
The Best the Doctors have giant scarves.
That would be "Zeus & Roxanne".
That Middle America Moms group that protested the show back in the day maybe? Mat LeBlanc still bitter that his spin-off didn't catch on? That little kid the Bundy's sort of adopted for a season?
Try being Forever Knight instead.
*Downloads Flyboys*
Holy hell, P.A. found the line in the sand Stechel will not cross in pop culture entertainment.
I had a friend who played that Cake album SOOOO much. But now, after more than a decade, I can hear Cake on the radio again and not be irritated.
If its Shawn Michaels the wrestler than he's one of those born again Christians, Maybe whichever church he's a member of is funding it.
That sounds right. Amanda Waller's plan of sending Lex Luthor, Vandal Savage, Dr. Sivana and others to some other planet while still leaving them access to advanced technology was a plan that couldn't fail.
See, my point was that I didn't think it was a good book and so not really worth adapting. But I don't doubt that it has its own fans. Though having Ridley Scott go all Aliens on it might be interesting.
They've already done all the ones I'm familiar with. I mean they could redo Chocolate Factory. Again. But why?