
You mean an Asgardian troll like Ulik? Or maybe a Faerie troll like M-13. Ms. Marvel/Dr. Excaliber Lady team-up against magical realm cyber incursions.

Though if I go back to '15 then Spy and Kingsmen: the Secret Service both surprised me with how good they were.

I can't think of any movies from this year where it caught me off guard at being good. But I recall being shocked at the first Night at the Museum and the Ferrell/Galifanakis the Campaign both being good movies.

I'm old enough to have Goth friends who were irritated when MMansonites were the annoying new kids ruining the scene.

Bring back Limitless!

Exactly, something based around Graham's "Prophet", the Keatinge/Campbell "Glory" or even the Alan Moore "Supreme" could be good. I mean it could be pure crap but its POSSIBLE to make good stories from Liefeld work. Hell, Deadpool is a Leifeld character and we all love Deadpool.

Yeah, who doesn't like Silverado? Commies? Is it dirty Commie hippies?

Also Dave Foley as the worlds most amoral talent agent EVER in Suck.

Just watch Brain Candy. You'll get the pure essence of the show and not have to risk accidentally watching a Chicken Lady sketch.

He's got one of those new chips that just lets them beam the CBS directly into his brain.

They're saving that for a potential Season 2 of Riverdale. Also Predators.

I'm pretty sure the Man in Black and Flag/the Walkin' Dude were two distinct characters in the Dark Tower. Though if they decide to mush together all the mysterious Wandering Evil Stanger types of Kings it could work.


Oh Zach, you poor crazy cannibal.

Hey, don't be bogarting all those diplomatic spots. AZ has a shitty governor to "promote" out of state as well.

"Tonight’s premiere promises to resolve last season’s cliffhanger, where
Brennan (Emily Deschanel) got kidnapped by her former assistant."

I went with a Fire Stick. Netflix and Prime on my HD tv.

From the odd episode I've caught parts of, I'd guess because they are remarkably bad at their goal of becoming professional cupcakers.

But whats your opinion on Mohd?

I liked him in Parenthood, where he cleared the low bar of being more likeable and a better dad than the movie version of his character.