
He was pretty solid in a supporting role in Moneyball as well.

“Mystique in the comics has never really crossed paths with any members
of the Guardians team, and neither have any of the X-Men for that
matter, so there’s really no justification for them to even meet at

For a GOOD Morgan Freeman comedy caper picture, I'd recomend the Maiden Heist with William H Macy, Christopher Walken and Marcia Gay Harden.

I forgot that Flashpoint actually aired on a "real" channel and not just ION reruns.

Netflix has single season of "the Finder" as well. Stupid cliff-hanger/cancellation.

Original animated Grinch.

Oh she said FAMINE. Ok I guess that makes more sense than what I heard. Which was SALMON.

Ugh. Too many choices. Long-running webcomics like Questionable Content and Skin Horse and Dumbing of Age which have had stellar years. Image books like Shutter or Saga or Monstress? Or Big Two books that actually try and be better than generic cape comics like Vision or the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl or
Astro City.

Kill Six Billion Demons is one of the most gorgeous webcomics I can think of. And that can be a pretty high bar.

Yeah, I just saw that in the most recent letters page of "the Savage Dragon". He was really down on his experience working for Todd.

Joxer the Mighty

Because super-strength and resilience only work in coastal regions?

$45 for the physical copy of the Fletcher Hanks collection and $20 for the electronic actually isn't that pricey. Just sadly, out of my budget range right now. Pity, I've got a copy of "I'll Destroy All Civilized Planets" and its fairly fantastic.

They've done bigger movies, and more popular ones. But "Miller's Crossing" is still my favorite Coen Brothers film.


New dream for the future. The Nuge goes mad and engages in a bow-spree kill during his inauguration set, leading to a Designated Survivor moment. Leading to President Ben Carson. Homer shrugs, "Could be worse", eats his donut.

Someone did a live-action adaptation of a Rankin-Bass special? I'm very tempted but that, despite the near certainty it will be terrible.

Like there will be any kind of manned NASA program during the Trumpocalypse.

Lets see, so far this month. A couple "Ring Of Fire/1632" rereads before I get to the latest 1635: Wars for the Rhine. Most recent of Marion Harmon's "Wearing the Cape" supers series, Team-ups & Crossovers and Lexie Dunn's lastest "Superheroes Anonymous" How to Save the World.

To be fair, the ratings for both seasons of Crazy-Ex would make it a good CXL League pick on any regular network EXCEPT the CW.