
Isn't the new YouTube premium service doing a show similar to "3%"?

Colin Hanks was in King Kong? Was he one of the film crew that gets squished by dinosaurs or eaten by giant bugs?

Rollos probably top the list of shit I shouldn't eat what with the diabetes and all. But really any combo of chocolate and caramel is hard to resist.

But see all the kids would be eating dope candy and the money never really goes to the schools and what about the children? The children who will get hooked on the drugs if weed is legal? One guy from Denver says its bad!

Fuck you Trebek! I missed what the actual category title was for FJ and was just trying to guess at people who would've died in England during the time period.

"Mother Night" is an excellent movie, and a good adaptation of the Vonnegut source as well.

I think the original WW2-era Spysmasher might have changed their name to Crimesmasher.

Mwa wah waaaaaaaaaaah

Knock Knock

You forgot that now there is also stuff after the stuff after the credits.

I got the impression that Nasser was running circles around the new PM, exploiting British condescension and "politeness" to make him (and the UK) into fools.

The A.V. Club

Hah. I thought "Lethal Weapon" was the better choice. :(

I can confirm that on at least one occasion, Arby's did NOT have the meats. As in we were told when using the drive-thru that the location was entirely out of beef.

So what happens if you use the bikini time machine IN the hot tub time machine?

I started in on Red Oaks over the weekend, and Kind is still killing it as the newly divorced dad of the lead.

Yup, the rewrite on Chicken Little was pretty brutal.

Scifi writer David Brin has been theorizing the palace coup/impeachment idea since at least the Republican convention.

I was almost tempted to try and catch more of last season when I saw that they'd added Eric Andre as a love interest. Instead I'll just hope that maybe he's added into Jessica Jones. And maybe they can add Darcy as well, then I can perv on Dennings' boobs on a good show.

It does work a little better in the original short story I'll grant you.